Student Awards

Students of the Week

Elliot K, 6B - for taking interest in the sustainability expo and doing a great job presenting our bird quiz.



Freddie C, 2C - for being such a thoughtful friend and helping your friend during reading rotations. You are amazing and I am so proud of you. 


Olivia S, 5B - for being a mature, thoughtful student with a heart of gold.


Green HERRRBY Award 

Erez L, PC - for picking up rubbish on her way to and from school. You’re keeping our community clean you green HERRRBy Legend! 


Ella M, PA - for using the HERRRBy values of resilience and responsibility during our Prep in visit. Your rocket looked AMAZING!


Rafi M, PA - for the fabulous effort you are putting into recognising tricky sight words when reading. Well done!


Maui K, PB - we are all super proud of you, working hard to improve your reading and Writing. You can do it!


Cassie P, PB - for always trying your personal best with a positive attitude! Keep practising letter formation and sentences! Well done! 


Amreen B, PD - for trying her best in everything she does. You are an exemplary student and quick learner!


Noah, 1A - for his outstanding, exciting adventure story called ‘The Jar’, containing wonderful WOW words and a variety of connectives.


Jesse J, 1B - for being so enthusiastic about all of your learning. You are always listening, contributing and being present and you are a fabulous role model to everyone!

Finn T, 1D - for using wonderful vocabulary to make his Big Write story so interesting. I loved reading about Jasmin and the scorpion!


Ava B, 2A - for her enthusiastic and mature approach to learning tasks. You show great focus and organisation. Well done!


Spencer F, 2B - for his fantastic presentation for class reporter. Your powerpoint presentation on 'Hydra Vulgaris' was incredibly interesting and insightful. Well done Spence!


Jamie S, 2D - for the amazing effort he has been putting into the presentation of his weekly homework. 


Mila T, 3A - for the huge amount of effort she has put into her learning at home and at school. You are a star!


Lenny A, 3B - for creating your amazing S.T.E.A.M  project solo and putting in so much effort, time and work!


Bonnie Q, 3C - for the amazing effort she has been putting into being our Eco Guardian this year.  You are a star Bonnie!


Henry D, 4A - for your hardworking and enthusiastic attitude towards school. Keep up the great work!


Torin P, 4B - for his excellent work researching David Attenborough for the inquiry project. Well done!


Indie A, 4C - for designing an awesome and adventurous theme park centred around her love for food. Well done! 


Jack S, 4D - for being a dedicated and hard-working member of 4D. Well done for working on your science project during lunch time. A fantastic effort Jack.


Nancy F, 5A  - for producing an outstanding ‘Sky at Night’ project. It is always a pleasure to correct your work, Nancy! 


Freida F, 5B - for becoming a confident, enthusiastic and very important member of 5B.


Esme C, 5C - Outstanding dedication to her learning this term. Well done!


Benji G, 5D - for being a kind, caring and compassionate member of our class and always looking out for your friends.


Nevena P, 6A, for your passion for creative writing. I love the way you bring in your stories to share with the class. 


Ray P, 6C - for his outstanding listening skills and his ability to recall information shared in class. Such a valuable skill. 


Keira N , 6D - for the stunning quality of all her school work and for her thirst for learning new things at school every day.




Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Isabella B, PC - for being enthusiastic about learning Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Rafe B, 1A - for showing respectful manners and being a keen participant in Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Quinn W, 2B - for being a great listener and working hard in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Sam K, 3C - for being an enthusiastic learner and working hard in Japanese class.

がんばりました! Ganbari mashita!"


Tom C, 4C - for showing great manners and being a keen participant in Japanese class.   すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Angus B, 5B - for working enthusiastically and being a great contributor in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Zoe A, 6D - for being a keen participant in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"