From the Principal's Desk

Luke Skewes

2024 School Captains 

I am very pleased to announce that Jackson Frances-Fulton and Max Lamba have been appointed as our School Captains for 2024. 

We look forward to seeing Jackson and Max’s leadership of the College and broader community and to them enacting their plans to enhance student life at school each day.

Congratulations Jackson and Max! 

Year 12's Finishing 

On Tuesday we farewelled our Year 12 students as part of their celebration morning. It was a great morning and the students were very respectful with their pranks, a reflection of the cohort and their time at the College. 


Of course the Year 12 VCE students now move onto their exam preparation ahead of the English Exam this Tuesday.


Our VCAL students will present their final presentations to finish off their schooling and certificate requirements.


We look forward to again celebrating with our students at the graduation on November 24. 


Year 9 Camps 


On Thursday and Friday last week the first of the Year 9 connections camps took place. This has been a fantastic initiative by Mr Hodges who has organised these camps for students to participate in the great outdoors. Students  camp at Cumberland River and complete two hikes on close by trails, developing a further connection with the natural environment, which we are incredibly fortunate to have on our doorstep.  

Student Support Group (SSG) Week 

Congratulations to everyone involved in another successful SSG week, with particular thanks to Ms Rowbottom and Ms Craig for their organisation and coordination of it. Again it has been pleasing to see so many conversations occurring around how school and home can collaborate to best support our young people who require an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or other support plan. 


A reminder that we will run our SSG week in week 3 of every term next year. 


Our new literacy intervention program, MACQLIT, will commence on Monday. Selected Year 7 students will work through the MACQLIT program 4 sessions a week for the remainder of the year, receiving the support to gain the reading skills and knowledge they need to be successful in all subject areas and in life.

The program will be expanded in 2024 and will be accompanied by a numeracy intervention program. 

Conflict in the Middle East and Referendum outcome 

Some of our school community are affected by the devastating events in the Middle East, I know that all of us are upset and disturbed by the awful events depicted in media footage and online sources.


This time is particularly distressing for staff, students, families and carers who have family and friends in Israel and Gaza. 

We are also aware that students of diverse backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim students may be significantly affected by public events, mainstream media coverage and social media at this time.


Equally it is has been important for us to have an awareness of antisemitic and racist comments. Fortunately neither are common place at LSC but when we hear them or become aware of them we are focusing on speaking to young people about the comments and approaching it as an opportunity to educate them about the impact of what they are saying or doing. Comments or actions targeted towards individuals will continue to be dealt appropriately with by the sub schools.

Review of Child Safe Standards Implementation following the incident involving Mr Trung Nguyen.

Following the news about former LSC Teacher Trung Nguyen we have worked with the Department of Education to review all of our Child Safe policies and procedures. This has resulted in minor changes and tweaks to our current practice as we had recently reviewed all policies as part of our school review.

I would like to reiterate that there has been no indication that Mr Nguyen committed any offences towards Lara Secondary College students or on school grounds. 


It is a timely reminder that if anyone ever has child safety concerns they should raise them, in the first instance with me. 

ACMI Young Film Makers Workshop 

LGBTQIA+ Young Filmmakers Workshop | ACMI: Your museum of screen culture


Please see Miss King or Miss Owen for more Information 





Luke Skewes 
