Flynn and Topsy Smith Assembly

This week College Houses Topsy Smith and Flynn hosted the last assembly of the term, giving awards and celebrating their achievements. The assembly also featured a safety presentation by none other than local snake catcher Rex Neindorf and also included a musical item by students. 

Flynn Award

Each year in Flynn House, staff nominate and vote for students across the year levels to be the recipients of our very special annual John Flynn Awards. 


Congratulations to both Madalyn McLaren and Bianca Dyker who have each shown the caring spirit of John Flynn and contributed enthusiastically throughout the year to various activities and aspects of Flynn House. 


Madalyn and Bianca both received a special certificate as well as a golden mini propellor badge, representative of the original de Havilland aircraft used by the RFDS. 


Topsy Smith Award

The Topsy Smith House Spirit Award is awarded to a student who has shown the qualities of Topsy Smith – care, enthusiasm and a willingness to give everything a go. This young person does everything they can for their House. They participate in House sports, House carnivals, volunteer to help out whenever they are asked. They participated in the school production and are currently a member of the Junior Leadership team. A massive congratulations to Emeline Frearson on being awarded the Topsy Smith House Spirit award.


College Leader Inductions

Congratulations to our latest College Leaders who were inducted this week:

  • William Kempson - Rolland House Captain
  • Lene Clarsen Walters - Rolland Vice-Captain
  • Olamide Adeyemo - Partridge House Captain
  • Chloe Chavez - Visual Art & Photography Captain
"Confidence", performed by Jordy Williams, Luke Willcocks, Iris Chenhall, Charlie Duffell, Chloe Chavez and Mr Nicholson.
"Confidence", performed by Jordy Williams, Luke Willcocks, Iris Chenhall, Charlie Duffell, Chloe Chavez and Mr Nicholson.