In Week 7 of this term (4th-8th of September), seven students and two staff (Ms Alex Pollitt and Ms Jenni Frank) went to Ti Tree Community School.
The trip was a new Round Square initiative to create a long-term Community Service Partnership in our region. Some of the outcomes of the project are reflected in the acronym: FLECS.
F - fostering positive relationships.
L - leading and learning
E - exchanging ideas
C - creating cultural understanding
S - serving others
This project was also designed to support the Duke of Edinburgh requirements so SPC students can more easily achieve their Silver and Gold Awards.
During their time in Ti Tree School, St Philip's students ran Science activities, cooking classes and a mini-Olympics with middle and primary school students. Our students also got the chance to participate in MobFest. As part of this, students took part in drumming, beat-boxing, animation, painting and circus classes. Our students also got the chance to learn from community elders and go out on country looking for witchetty grubs.
Please see reflections from students who went on this trip below:
‘Ti Tree was a really good experience to go on. I will forever cherish the moments I spent with people. I have made new friends and forever will have a connection with the community. What I found the most challenging was missing home. People should go on this trip next year because it sparks growth in your character, and it helps with new, fun experiences and seeing the kids smiling.’- Ryan James
‘My highlight was when we went out bush for some witchetty grub.’- Giaan Campbell
‘On the 4th September, six students and I travelled to Ti Tree after school. When we arrived at the community we couldn't find our accommodation, but a few minutes passed, and we found it. The next day we went to the school which was fun because they were having a cross country which we helped with. I was standing with a spray bottle filled with water and was spraying hot and sweaty kids' faces as they ran past. Out of all the days, my favourite day was the Mob Fest day because there were fun activities throughout the day and music at the end of the night, along with kids performing songs. The food was good some days. We got to make cupcakes which was fun. The one thing I enjoyed the most was seeing my family at Ti Tree’- Ella Williams
It was good and I would like to talk to friends and family again and bring some new friends to check out Ti Tree again. We should do this again next year and hopefully get some new games to play with the younger ones.’ -Teshaun Haines
‘I really enjoyed talking and doing activities with the school kids. Especially seeing how happy they were when they made sherbet & saw the elephant toothpaste. I learnt that pushing yourself to talk to new people is worth the amazing conversations.’ -Eleanor Twine
We look forward to the FLECS trip continuing and expanding in 2024.
~ Jenni Frank ~ Ms Alex Pollitt
Teacher - Head of Rolland House Teacher - Head of Griffiths House