Principal's Message
Knowing ~ Caring ~ Connecting
Principal's Message
Knowing ~ Caring ~ Connecting
Dear Parents and Friends,
As a school firmly anchored in our place in the centre of Australia, and with students from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds, St Philip’s has a unique appreciation of the complexity of our history and how it informs our culture and identity, both now and into the future. In that context, we continue to develop ways to deliver education that is culturally informed and recognises the importance of seeking out Indigenous perspectives on issues relating to our Indigenous students. This means that we are particularly aware of the significance of the upcoming referendum on an Indigenous Voice and the important moment that this represents in the history of our nation.
As with any significant decision or project, we encourage our students to research and get opinions from a variety of respected sources. Social media is not always a reliable source, and while the question posed in the referendum is, at its heart, a quite simple question, we recognise that there are many views as to the best answer.
St Philip’s encourages all students and families to actively engage with each other around the referendum. Our motto, “to strive, to seek, to care” demands of us that we strive to educate ourselves on the history behind the referendum; to seek out the reasons for different perspectives; and, above all, to care about how our opinions and comments influence those around us.
Excellent resources on the background to referendum can be found here:
The Voice: what is it, where did it come from, and what can it achieve? | UNSW Newsroom
Voice to Parliament: Everything you need to know about the referendum | SBS News
One way or another, our nation will awake on October 15th to an Australia that will be forever influenced by the outcome of the referendum. There may be some who will be fearful of the consequences of the decisions; there may be others who will be grieving as a result of the outcome. Whatever the result, St Philip’s will continue to be a place that seeks to value our history and connection with First Nations people. This is a significant time for our nation and we urge you and your families to ensure that you are not mere bystanders. Reach out to each other, discuss, debate, learn from each other, but always do so with HEART: Honesty, Engagement, Acceptance, Respect and Trust.
Please have a safe and relaxing school break making the most of this opportunity to recharge your energy and reconnect with family.
Kind regards,
~ Leslie Tilbrook