Year 5/6

Year 6 Market Stalls: Success and Fun!
The Year 6 Market Stalls were a tremendous success, raising over $1,000! The students worked hard planning, setting up, and running stalls for a variety of goodies such as home baked goods, jewellery, crafts, games and more. This impressive effort will go towards funding their special Year 6 Fun Day at Funfields. It was fantastic to see everyone’s enthusiasm and the community support for this event. Well done to our Year 6 entrepreneurs!
End-of-Year Concert Preparations
As we approach the end of the school year, students have been busily practising their dances for the upcoming end-of-year picnic and concert. With every rehearsal, the performances are becoming more polished, and we can't wait to share this hard work with families and friends.
Friday Fun: Mat Paradise Game
Each Friday afternoon, we wrap up the week with some friendly competition through our class games. A current favourite is “Mat Paradise,” where students work in teams to move their mats across the oval, using communication and teamwork skills to complete the challenge. It’s been a wonderful way to build connections, trust, and, of course, have some laughs.
Maths Adventures
In Maths, we’ve been diving into new and challenging areas, exploring negative numbers by placing them on number lines and learning about real-life situations where they apply, such as temperature changes. We also participated in the Times Tables Rockstars tournament, “Oz Rocks,” competing with schools around the country to boost our multiplication fluency. The energy and excitement in our classrooms have been amazing!
Reading: Exploring Australian History
In Reading, we’ve been stepping back in time to uncover the experiences of the first convict colony upon arrival at Sydney Cove. Through the story of Tom Appleby, we’ve delved into the fascinating and sometimes challenging moments of early Australian history, including his interactions with Sergeant Stanley and the new environment that awaited the colony.
Writing: Building Skills with Long Vowel Sounds and Information Reports
Our writing sessions have been focused on mastering long vowel sounds such as "ey," "eigh," "or," "aw," and "au." Additionally, students are progressing through their information reports, crafting strong body paragraphs, and becoming experts at following the SPO (Statement, Proof, Outcome) structure. The topic of the First Fleet’s arrival has sparked lively discussions and detailed sentences in our writing.
Wellbeing: Knowing Where to Turn for Help
In Wellbeing, students have been reflecting on how to seek help and support. We’ve had discussions about identifying who we can turn to in challenging times, whether it's a friend, teacher, or family member. Learning about these options has been an empowering experience for our students, fostering confidence in their support network.
Auslan: Bringing Music to Life in Sign Language
This term, our Year 5/6 students have been working hard to perform well-known songs in Auslan. Learning to interpret lyrics and convey them through Auslan has been an exciting challenge, giving students new ways to express music through visual language. It’s been inspiring to see their dedication as they practice each sign, aiming to create a moving performance that truly brings the songs to life.