Physical Education

Hi All,
This term has been so great and so very busy…but what’s new!?! All classes have finished their unit on bat and ball sports with the Prep–2s ending with t-ball and the 3–6s wrapping it up with baseball. It was so much fun and as usual, I was really impressed with not only the level of skill in all classes but the willingness to learn new sports. We then had a week of fun games which we called the mid-term break before getting started in to our new sports. The Preps have started their unit of soccer which is going really well with the frequent yet gentle reminder that our hands don’t touch the ball…unless you’re the goalie, of course! We’ll start to have some proper mini matches next week and of course, we’re still dancing!!
The rest of the school are learning the awesome sport of Oztag, a modified touch football game which I absolutely love! It’s confusing quite a lot of the AFL-loving kids who have to learn to pass the ball BACKWARDS to move the game FORWARDS! I know, but we’ll get there.
The 3–6s were delighted to discover the Beep Test was happening this week after some successfully jinxed the speaker last week so we couldn’t do it! I am so impressed that a large majority of students got their PB this time around which shows improved fitness and determination. So cool!!
So that wraps it up, really. As excited as I am for the Year 6 students to be moving on to the next phase of their lives, I’m getting kind of sad at the thought of not having them here next year. They’re a wonderful group of young people and will be sorely missed by everyone at LPS…especially those in the PE department!! I’m so excited, however, to watch the Year 5's step up next year and lead the school in their own wonderful way.
Have a great day & week!