Principal's Report

2025 Information
I am very excited to announce class structure for 2025. Staffing for the new year is currently being finalised and teachers will not be allocated to classes until later this term and these will be published in our final newsletter for 2024. The only roles I can announce at this time are the prep (foundation) teachers for next year, Andrew Hall and Jenna Rowe. Please remember that staffing as in all workplaces, is subject to change at anytime. Term 4 is traditionally a very busy time for schools, and we are of course still focusing on 2024 but we are also having to caste our minds forward to planning for 2025. Over the next couple of weeks, students who will be in years 2-5 will have the opportunity to nominate at least 4 other students that they believe they could work well with in 2025 and who would support them with their learning and wellbeing. These choices will help inform class lists for the new year.
Class Structure 2025
Prep - 2 classes
Year 1 - 1 class
Year 2/3 - 3 classes
Year 4/5 - 2 classes
Year 6 - 1 class
Year 6 Chromebooks - Pay it Forward 2025
If you have a year 6 student leaving for secondary school and they won't require their Chromebook for further studies we would love for you to consider donating it to LPS to add to our school bank of Chromebooks or alternatively we can arrange to have it passed on directly to another student to support their learning. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.
Our prep transition sessions begin very soon, the dates and times are as follows:
Tuesday 19th November 10-11am
Tuesday 26th November 10-11am
Tuesday 3rd December 10-11am
Wednesday 4th December: Prep Parent/Carer 2025 information session 6-7pm
Tuesday 10th December 10-11am
All students will be participating in whole school transition sessions later this term.
Our year 6s are participating in a range of transition in preparation for year 7 and secondary school.
Upcoming events
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Art Show, Family Picnic and Concert coming up on Friday 29th of November. The Art Show will be set up in the school gym and you are welcome to come along and browse from 4 to 5pm. Picnic and Concert will start at 5 and conclude close to 6.30pm. Everyone will gather on the basketball court area to enjoy each class presenting a song and perhaps a dance with this years theme of 'Numbers'! Teachers will let you know if students are required to wear a certain colour etc for their performance.
BYO picnic snacks, blanket and chairs and please remember this is a NO ALCOHOL event.
Please support our 2025 Christmas Raffle by sending along an item for your child/ren's class hamper. This years hamper themes are:
Prep: Summer Fun
1/2C Books, Games and Puzzles
1/2J Holiday Deliciousness
1/2N Pamper and Indulge
3/4T Art and Craft
3/4W Get Active
5/6C Christmas
5/6J BBQ and Camping
Tickets will be sent home, $2 each . Tickets are due back to school on 11th of December and will be drawn at the final school assembly on Friday 13th of December.
Grandparents Day
We really enjoyed hosting so many prep, year 1 and 2 grandparents on Friday the 25th of October. Our classes were full to the brim with excited chatter and lots of hugs and smiles. Our visitors enjoyed playing games in class followed by a visit in our school grounds with morning tea, favourite stories and tours around the school with grandchildren.