Parish News

Books! Books! Books!
A variety of 2nd hand religious books located in the Church foyer for anyone to take home. These books are FREE but a silver coin donation would be appreciated.
Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Wardens & Altar Servers
To assist with the preparation of rosters for the Christmas Masses would any parishioners who are on the regular rosters please volunteer if available. Christmas is one of our major Liturgical celebrations so the more volunteers we have would be appreciated.
Congratulations to the Candidates that received the Sacreament of First Reconciliation during the week.
Thank you to Linda Praum, Sacramental Coordinator, teachers, helpers and parents for preparing the children.
2025 Bible Diaries
To purchase a copy please see Father John or Father Liem in the Sacristy after Mass. These Bible Diaries are designed to help you to keep the Word of God close to your heart in your daily life. A companion on the journey to pray, to share, to grow in God’s love and be nourished by the Word of God make these an ideal gift.
$20 each (rrp $21.95) Cash payments only.
If you pre-ordered a copy, please collect it from the Sacristy after any Mass.
Parish Roster
The roster commencing February 2025 will need to be finalised before the end of this year. Please advise the parish office of any changes or if you wish to join in these Ministries by 1st December.
Also just a reminder that it is essential that we follow guidelines set out by the Archdiocese. If you are an Acolyte; Reader; Eucharistic minister or in the Music Ministry you are required to sign in – (red folders are kept in the sacristy). The altar servers sign in folder is located in the side corridor.
November Mass Intentions
During the month of November,we remember those who have returned to the Father!
We invite all families to write the names of departed loved ones in the book of remembrance. Mass Offering Envelopes are also available. (names cannot be printed in the Weekly Bulletin due to the large volume).