A Message from the 

Assistant Principal

Mr Steven Belcastro


The teachers have begun the process of writing End of Year Reports. The grades and comments are based on many aspects of your child’s work in class, formal and informal assessments, observations, and work samples. Reports will be available to download through Compass on Friday 13th December. 

School Expectations

As we approach the end of the school year, it is important that we remind the students to be 3 things - that is, to be Safe, Respectful and Responsible. We encourage you to use these 3 expectations at home also when discussing behaviours with your children. 

We also remind all students that wearing our school hat is part of our uniform. Students who do not have their hats will be asked to engage in passive play in a shaded area. 

School Uniform

Students are to ensure tha they are wearing the correct school uniform until the end of the year. Sport uniform should only be worn on the following days:

Year 1TuesdayThursday
Year 2TuesdayThursday
Year 3TuesdayThursday
Year 4TuesdayWednesday
Stage 3TuesdayWednesday

Those students who attend martial arts should also wear sport uniform on Wednesdays. If there is a particular reason that your child is unable to wear the correct uniform on a particular day, please call or email the office or send a note to the class teacher. 

Entering Absences into Compass 

A reminder for all parents to please enter any absence into compass as soon as possible. It is important to maintain accurate and up to date records for our students. 


Our SPBL focus for the next two weeks is the School Hall.