Student of the Week

Week 3
Jack Hogan - Jack, I’m absolutely blown away with how well you listen to instructions and are always keen to learn. It’s wonderful to have you in FZ!
Huxley Fabre - For your cheerful, eager and positive approach to learning.
Diana Chaves Riano - Well done, Diana! What a wonderful start to Term 4 you have had. You consistently display wonderful whole-body listening during all lessons including specialists! You show respect towards your peers during our daily partner reading time, always following along and helping sound out words if they get stuck. Congratulations, what a superstar!
Oscar O'Reilly - Congratulations Oscar! I am so incredibly proud of you for the effort you have put into your reading. You are a STAR! Hearing you read fluently and confidently brings a big smile to my face! Well done, legend!
Matilda Jacombs - Well done Matilda! I am so impressed with the effort you put into your reading, thinking carefully about the topic and sharing your wonderful ideas in Reading Groups. You should be super proud of yourself.
Archie Bannister - Archie is a role model for his classmates as he avoids distractions, concentrates on his work, listens to instructions and feedback to complete his activities and learning tasks to the best of his ability.
Everly Pinkstone - What an all-round superstar you are! We have been very impressed with your poetry writing this term. Your Haiku titled ‘Spring’ had some lovely descriptive language and appealed to the senses. Congratulations Everly!
Joshua Hebden - Well done Josh, for consistently showing respect to both your teachers and peers. Your helpful nature and willingness to assist others have not gone unnoticed. Keep up your fantastic effort and caring attitude!
Finn Bee - For being an absolute superstar during our PhOrMeS sessions! Your practice and dedication to improve your decoding skills is paying off! You are always so clear and give it your best go in every session. Keep up the great work, Finn!
Roy Baulch - For your constant positivity and determination this week!
Charlie Gray - For the dedication you show towards improving your knowledge and skills in Spelling, Reading and Maths. Well done on always participating in our class discussions and sharing your great ideas with us. Keep it up!
Zach Smith - For working hard this year to make improvements in your work quality and pace. Not only have you been completing more work but you even got your pen licence! Well done, superstar!
Toby Davis - For showcasing some fantastic knowledge about the spelling rules. You're a true PhOrMeS superstar!
Eliza Murshed - Eliza, I love the incredible way you always brighten our classroom with your bubbly personality and infectious smile. You consistently bring a positive energy that lifts everyone’s spirits, and your kindness doesn’t go unnoticed. Whether it’s offering a helping hand or checking in with someone who needs a friend, you’re always looking out for others. You show us every day what it means to be a thoughtful and supportive friend, and we’re so lucky to have you in our class. Keep shining and spreading your positivity!
Wilhelm Morrison - Wilhelm, well done for all your positive effort and motivation towards all your tasks. It is great to see that you have completed so much in such a short time. Keep up the great work!
Ana Lauronce - I could tell you all the amazing things this student does, I could tell you how kind and considerate they are, I could tell you so much! Ah, Nah. I'll just tell you their name. Ana! You are a superstar, Ana. Keep being you!
Aaron De Ieso - I have been super impressed with how you are just ‘getting on’ with what you need to do Aaron, especially in Lit Circles so far. Keep working hard and well done!
Yve Edwards - You display unwavering determination like Ellie Carpenter, calm focus and resilience like MacKenzie Arnold, and graceful, quietly commanding leadership in the style of Sam Kerr. Your blend of hard work, thoughtfulness and maturity makes you an exceptional student and role model. Congratulations Yve! I am so proud of you.