Leadership @ MPS

Staffing Updates
Miss Ruby will be relocating to Queensland indefinitely, to work in a remote school community. Unfortunately for us, Miss Ruby’s last day at MPS will be next Friday, 8th November.
The chance to be able to work in a remote area has been on Ruby's to-do list for a long time and she was recently presented with an opportunity that she couldn't refuse. We have loved the enthusiasm, professionalism and joyful spark that Ruby has brought to MPS and we wish her all the best for her future endeavours.
We would like to congratulate both Ady Wall and Margarita Strateas for their new appointments for the upcoming 2025 school year.
Ms Ady Wall will be remaining in the role of Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion Co-ordinator, which she has been acting in for the second half of this year. She will continue to collaborate with educators, families and support services to create a supportive school environment that fosters the participation and development of all students.
Ms Margarita will be our new Wellbeing and Engagement Leader, working closely with families, students and staff to promote the social, emotional and mental health of our students. We are confident that Margarita's existing ties with many families within our school, paired with her extensive knowledge and experience in this space, will make her a valuable asset to the MPS community.
Naturally, there will be a lot of crossover between both Ady's and Margarita's roles and we look forward to them working closely with leadership to continue to make MPS a wonderful place to be!
We have also been successful in recruiting some fantastic new classroom teachers for the 2025 school year. Information about 2025 teacher placement will be sent out in early December.
The Discovery Centre - Official Opening Postponed
As you would have seen this in communications this morning, unfortunately we have had to postpone our Official Opening Event for The Discovery Centre. The new details for this event are below.
Date: Friday, 8th of November
Time: 9:00am
Location: The Discovery Centre
Official proceedings will run until roughly 9:45am, which will be followed by light refreshments in our new staffroom.
We are hoping to have a strong community presence at the event, all past and present MPS families are welcome to attend. We look forward to welcoming Vicki Ward back to the school, as well as many important people who brought The Discovery Centre's vision to life.
Arrival Time at School
Staff have noticed that many students have been arriving at school earlier than usual over the past couple of weeks, this may be due to nicer weather. A reminder that before school supervision isn't scheduled until 8:45am and if arriving before this time, students are to be supervised by their parents/guardians.
Upcoming Events
As we get to the pointy end of the school year, please do keep on top of the many school events which are planned. These are listed in the 'Important Dates' page of our newsletters as well as in Compass feeds sent out from classroom teachers.
Janene Worsam, Principal (Wed - Fri) | janene.worsam@education.vic.gov.au |
Paul Wickham, Principal (Mon, Tues) and Assistant Principal | paul.wickham@education.vic.gov.au |
Matt Lewis, Learning Specialist (Curriculum) | matthew.lewis@education.vic.gov.au |
Ady Wall, Disability Inclusion and Wellbeing | adrienne.wall@education.vic.gov.au |