Year 7/8 STEM Edge Program

STEM Edge Program 


A group of Year 7 and 8 students travelled to Melbourne University to participate in Science workshops on Thursday 10 October. 


The Year 7 students spent the day at the Science Gallery, which involved an interactive tour of the fascinating SCI-FI exhibition and drone pilots in the hands-on Take Flight workshop.


The Year 8 students participated in two hands-on exploratory workshops delivered by instructors from the Faculty of Science.


Maths and Statistics:

Do you ever wonder how much overhang can be created if you had a finite number of blocks to stack on top of each other?


Sensory processing:

Did you know that what you hear is influenced by what you see? That your mouth helps you smell? Are you one of the lucky people who can see the colours that are not visible to most?


A big thank you to Melbourne University for allowing our students to participant in the workshops.


Thank you, 


Bridget Curling

Maths/Psychology/ Science Teacher