Around the rooms

A snapshot from the classrooms this fortnight

Kindergarten - Jacqueline Pribilovics

Welcome back to Term 4! Kindergarten has been working hard in Maths lessons this week. They have been learning how to share a collection into equal groups, explain their thinking and find all possible solutions. 


Kindergarten have been learning how to reflect on their learning. They use the 1, 2 or 3 strategy to show the teachers how they are feeling.


Year 1 - Danielle McClure and Eva Clinton

Welcome back to Year 1 for Term 4! We’ve had a fantastic first two weeks, filled with excitement and learning. We loved getting to celebrate St Margaret Mary’s Feast Day in Week 1. This week, we had a wonderful time making rosary beads with Ms. Gravina during our SPaR session. A big thank you to the parent helpers who joined us and made this activity extra special. We are also thrilled to welcome two new students to our class, Abigail and Amelia. Here’s to a great term ahead!


Year 2 - Aoife Geraghty and Eva Clinton

What a fantastic start to Term 4! Our Year 2 students have been involved in a range of exciting activities. We kicked off the term by sharing and presenting our holiday adventures, which brought out some wonderful stories and creativity.

We also participated in the Feast Day Mass and thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations that followed. In STEM, we’ve been exploring the Earth’s treasures, sparking curiosity and wonder in the natural world around us.

To top it all off, we had two talented boys win the K-2 division of the school talent show! Well done Dougie and Brooklyn! It's been an action-packed beginning to the term, and there’s so much more to come.


Year 3 - Peter Mallos

With the start of Term 4, Year 3 students have been busy with presentations on our school's values and how we can live them daily. Their enthusiasm and creativity have been impressive. We're proud of their understanding and commitment to our core values. Great work, Year 3!



Year 4 - Bella Abruzzese 

Year 4 has kicked off Term 4 in with designing and drawing some cubism portraits, inspired by Pablo Picasso in art. They will be spending the next few weeks using explosions of colour and shades to enhance their creative pieces! 


Year 5 - Anna Kelly

We have spent some time looking at visual storytelling over the past 2 weeks. We have had discussions to compare this type of delivery with traditional storytelling, and the advantages of both. We have explored elements such as colour, composition, perspective and symbolism. Year 5 students employed this way of storytelling to create their own tale. 


Year 6 - Laura Courtenay

Year 6 Student Spotlight

Hello, my name is Alex Blay and I have been at St Margaret Mary’s since Kindergarten. I have always appreciated how small the school is because it means that I know students in every year.

My fondest memories at STMM would be the fun days such as the swimming or athletics carnivals and book week. I loved these fun days because they really were fun! We were able to dress up, run around with our friends and show off our unique personalities. With the help of our teachers, I have developed my skills in writing and many other subjects, which is something I will take with me when I go into high school next year.


Over the years I have loved the introduction of the Amadeus program and how we always practise regularly together as a band. I have always liked arriving early to school because I get to greet my friends before starting the day of learning. I will always remember how welcoming this school is and how much it has helped me over the years.