Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Prep/1 with Anna

Prep/1 have been busy this week with mathmatics.  Today they practiced counting collections with concrete materials (blocks, dice and written numbers)


Class 3/4 with Kim

Class 3/4 with Kim and Kath made self portraits with some self reflextion on their charater, personality, interests and who they are.




Class 5/6 Open Water Excursion

The Life Saving Victoria Open Water Learning Experience Program creates ‘Everyday Lifesavers’ out of Victorian students, by teaching them practical and engaging water safety, lifesaving and emergency response skills. The OWLE program is designed to empower students to make safe aquatic related decisions while enjoying their local waterway.

Program activities:

Everyday Lifesavers (CPR)

Be Aware and Be Prepared (water safety)

Survival Strategies (life jackets)

Rescue Strategies

Safe Body Boarding


A report about the day from Elske and Bella:


On Monday we caught a bus into Albury for our open water lesson run by Life Saving Victoria.  Once we arrived we where split into 3 groups of 10 students.

We learnt some vital lessons on land and in the water.

  1. Reading the strength of the current in The Murray river at Albury.
  2. Dr A.B.C's of first aid rescue.
  3. How to read river signage. Each river has a coding system which tells us where we are and current warnings in place. 

In the water we did 3 activities 

  1. How to stay warm if a boat sinks
  2. How to resuce someone in trouble
  3. Boogie boarding and how to save someone with a huggie resuce, passie resuce.


One of the groups even saw a red bellie black snake, which was given space to go about it's day safely.