
Leah Rintoule


Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Is it time to re-set your sleep pattern for 2024? 

The beginning of the school year is a good chance to look at your wellbeing habits including sleep. If you’re like most of us, routine went out the window over the summer break. (The snooze button may be getting hit multiple times). 

 What’s the big deal with sleep?

Sleep is one of the easiest things for us to change to improve our overall wellbeing. Teenagers need between 9 & 10 hours of sleep most nights. Research shows that only a quarter of 12- to 15-year-olds and half of 16- to 17-year-olds are getting enough sleep.  A constant lack of sleep can result in:

  • concentration difficulties, 
  • shortened attention span,
  • memory problems, 
  • poor decision making,
  • lack of energy
  • changes in mood. 


Even 20 - 30 minutes of extra sleep each night on a regular basis will make a big difference to your wellbeing


With small, practical, daily changes sleep patterns can improve. 


So how can you improve sleep? 

Do the same bedtime behaviour each night for 4 weeks to make your brain connect this routine with going to sleep.

  • Make a relaxing bedtime routine; have a bath/shower before bedtime, read, listen to soothing music etc.
  • Avoid loud music, homework, computer games, phone scrolling 30 minute before bedtime.
  • Put Aeroplane Mode on phone 30 min before bedtime and overnight: your alarm will still work! 
  • The brain’s sleep–wake cycle is largely set by light absorbed through our eyes. 
  • Limit all screen activity right before bed & keep your room dark at night (wear an eye mask) 
  • In the morning, expose your eyes to lots of natural light to help wake up your brain.

Technology to help you sleep well. 


The iPhone's "Bedtime" function     

This is within the alarm clock app and works on the basis that being consistent with the amount of sleep you get, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, promotes healthy sleep and positive wellbeing. 


Smiling Mind free app-based program 

Developed by psychologists to help manage stress and anxiety to improve wellbeing. Mindfulness meditation is about mental health and looking after the mind.

Easy to follow sleep meditations for all ages and abilities.




For more information on sleep health, you can refer to:


Emily Dawson – Adolescent Health Nurse