From the Assistant Principal 

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis











We couldn’t be happier with the way our Year 7, 8 and 9 students have settled into their new Year Level Communities. We have welcomed 155 Year 7s, 155 Year 8s and 159 Year 9 students this year, along with 13 new staff members this year. Enrolment enquiries continue to flood in and we anticipate many further enrolments as the year progresses. 

Our staff Year Level teams and Year Level Leaders are quickly getting to know their new charges and are doing an exceptional job ensuring that students feel welcome and supported. You will have received an email from your Tutor Group teacher inviting you to come along to our Meet Your Year Level Community evening on February 15th. Based on parent feedback, we are excited to be planning for quite a different format for the event to enable parents time to meet other parents with children in the same Tutor Group and year level, as well as catching up on news of our new Strategic Plan as we celebrate 10 years of Auburn High School! We look forward to seeing all of you on the night. An RSVP link will be sent via Compass shortly. 

I’ve also sent a Save the date notice for our very first Year 7 Outdoor Family Movie Night on February 23rd. Year 7 families as well as staff and their families have been invited. We hope the weather will be kind! There will be a sausage sizzle (thanks to parent, Chris L!), ice creams and soft drinks for sale and 2 Doors Brewery, an AHS family-owned business, will be serving beverages. All proceeds will go straight into our landscaping works. Booking details coming soon!

I’ve had the great pleasure of joining Mr Lanfranchi in interviewing 36 Year 7 and 8 students this week 8 Junior School Leadership roles for 2024. All the candidates were extremely impressive, articulately outlining their motivation for applying and their ideas for the role. Unfortunately not every applicant will be selected for a formal role, but I commend and congratulate every one on their aspiration and willingness to contribute to their school community. There are many leadership opportunities “beyond the badge” that are open to students throughout the year.

Tutor Group Leader elections have taken place in Education for Life classes this week. Candidates delivered very well considered speeches to their peers, who then voted on their Semester 1 representatives. These students will take a leading role in building connected and cohesive communities within their Tutor Group in which students feel heard and seen. Thank you to all the candidates and congratulations to the successful candidates. We look forward to seeing our Tutor Group spaces come together with displays and activities as the term progresses.

Thank you to all our staff, students and parents for your contribution to what has been a jam-packed but seamless start to the new school year.