Community Information

Boroondara City Council - Public Toilet Strategy
Help us improve Council owned public toilets in Boroondara. Have your say by 9am Monday 5 February 2024.
How can we improve your experience of Council-owned public toilets and identify where new toilets may be needed? Please share your feedback to help shape our new Public Toilet Strategy.
Find out more and complete the survey here.
Lost Property
A reminder to please ensure students’ items are labelled with their names so that lost property items can be quickly returned to students.
The General Office lost property cupboard is filled with items that do not have names on them and unfortunately, we do not have the space to keep them. Unclaimed and unnamed school items get donated to our Second-Hand Uniform shop and other non-school items get donated to a charity bin after two weeks
Thank you to UBX for supporting our 2023 school production!