School Council News

Welcome to 2024!


Welcome back, happy new year and a particular welcome to families new to Chelt.Sec. Wonderful to see all the new Year 7s in their sparkling new uniforms. I hope everyone is ready to learn, grow, and make friends this year. 


Whether your child is in Year 7 or 12 or somewhere in between, getting involved in the school is a great way for them to make the most of their educational experience. Chat with your child about how they can get involved in a way that suits them:

  1. Join a club or lunchtime activity 
  2. Jump into one of the school's sports teams, music or performing arts
  3. Run for a leadership position in the SRC (student leadership) and help shape school policies and initiatives
  4. Give back to the community – participate in volunteer opportunities organised by the school or local groups
  5. Attend school events and activities to connect with peers and have fun.

Chelt.Sec students have the chance to meet new people, develop new skills, and make lasting memories. So support your child to step out of their comfort zone and try something new!


The same goes for parents/guardians. Secondary school is different to primary in that parents/guardians have to be a bit more proactive to get involved in school. We’re typically not dropping and picking up every day, chatting at the school gates or being a parent helper at excursions. But when your child sees you involved in school activities, they know you care about their education.



  1. Putting your hand up for PFA activities such as helping out at barbecues or organising year level get togethers or social events
  2. Attend school events, even when your child isn’t involved. Don’t miss the college production of Mamma Mia!  coming up later in the year – always a fantastic night 
  3. Run for Council! Now is the time – more information below

About Chelt School Council

Every government school has a council. Council’s role is governance and oversight. Council assists to develop and monitor strategic priorities, plans, policies and budgets, working with school staff leadership. School Council members are drawn from students, parents, Department of Education staff and the community. 


At Chelt.Sec, Council operates a number of sub-committees to take deep dives into key areas of school activities including Student Services, Education Policy, Building and Grounds and Finance and oversees the Parents & Friends Association. 


Upcoming Council elections

School Council elections occur in March. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and have a voice in the decisions that impact your child’s education:

  • Provide input and feedback on important issues and initiatives
  • Help shape school policies and decision-making
  • Connect with other parents, build a network and make friends
  • Foster a sense of community and belonging.

Timetable for School Council elections: 

Notice of election and call for nominations Monday 05/02/2024
Closing date for nominationsTuesday 20/02/2024
Date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be postedFriday 23/02/2024
Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributedMonday 26/02/2024
Close of ballotTuesday 12/03/2024
Vote countWednesday 13/03/2024
Declaration of pollWednesday 13/03/2024
Special council meeting to co-opt community members(the principal will preside) Tuesday 19/03/2024
First council meeting to elect office bearers (the principal will preside)Tuesday 19/03/2024

I urge you to read about the Council's role and responsibilities, current issues and initiatives. If you or someone you know would make a great council member, consider running for a position. And please spread the word: encourage other parents/guardians to get involved by running for a position or voting in the election. This helps your voice be heard.


Finally, if you are on Facebook, then join the family community for swapping information, textbook and uniform secondhand sales:


We’ve got a busy start to the year with Year 11 camp, Year 12 formal and NAPLAN just a few weeks away. All best wishes for getting settled in. 



Susannah Bowen-Wheatley

School Council President