Wellbeing News

During Term 1, students will be learning about the 7 Habits of CPS Leaders. This is a series of habits that have been developed to support our students in becoming effective leaders and community members. The program has been designed around several researched based programs and adapted to fit our school. 

The first 2 Habits that the students will learn about are included here for you. We hope you are able to have lots of conversations around these habits and even refer to them when you see your children displaying them!






Habit 1

Be Proactive means to take responsibility for your choices and behaviours.

Habit 1 is the key to all of the other habits; that’s why it comes first. Be Proactive says, “I am in charge of my own life. I am responsible for whether I am happy or sad. I can choose how I react to other people or situations. I am in the driver’s seat.” 

Young children can easily learn to understand that different choices produce different results. The goal is to teach them to think about those results before they decide what to do. Discussions can focus on taking care of themselves, taking care of their things, reacting or not reacting to others’ behaviour, planning ahead, and thinking about what the right thing to do is.

Habit 2

Begin With the End in Mind means to think about how you would like something to turn out before you get started. 

Reading a recipe before cooking or looking at a map before leaving on a trip is beginning with the end in mind. 

For young children, a good example is that of a jigsaw puzzle. Before doing a puzzle, they look at the cover of the box. They start with the end in mind.