December  2023

School Family Fees and Levies for 2024


Dear Families,


At this time of the year, we communicate information about Fees and Levies for the year ahead.


At our most recent meeting, The School Advisory Council approved an increase for the 2024 School Family Fees and Levies. 


The School Fees at St Fidelis are made up of two components namely the School Family Fee and the Student Levies. The School Family Fee is charged per family whereas the Student Levies are billed per child.


The Family Fee is to cover the running costs, to assist with capital works and loan repayments and so on. The Student Levies on the other hand, are to cover costs associated with curriculum, excursions, technology, subscriptions, art equipment etc.


To allow us to provide your children and serve the St Fidelis Community with the most up to date educational practices, technology and highly dedicated and qualified staff, we will be increasing the Students Levies and School Family Fee for 2024.


School Family Fee for 2024

$1,950.00 per annum 


Student Levies

Other charges are made for various activities undertaken during the school year. These levies are per child, not per family. Levies are spent directly on the students’ needs for curriculum (texts, art materials, photocopying, excursions, camp, technology etc.)


The Student levies for 2024

Foundation to Year Four: 

  • $345.00 - Subject Levy &  $125.00 excursion (total $470.00)

Year Five and Six

  • $345.00 - Subject Levy & $125.00 excursion (total $470.00) 
  • $420.00 - CAMP 

So we can continue to purchase resources for the students and fund school-based programs, we request prompt payment of the school family fee and levies. The payment options available to families are:

  1. In three equal instalments by March 22,  June 21 and September 13 OR
  2. Annual payment of school fees in full by March 29 OR
  3. 8 equal installments from February to September on the 13th of the month.

Should you wish to discuss your fees confidentially, please contact Mrs Manuela Watson in the first instance to arrange an appointment.



Manuela Watson



   December  2023



Dear Parents and Friends,


Thank you to all the families for your continued support in paying school fees.  School fees ensure all children are provided the best experiences and resources to support their learning. 

2024  Family School Fee




This amount is payable in full at the beginning of the year or in three installments of $650.00 which is due at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3.

Family Capital Levy

(Due at the commencement of the school year)


This levy contributes towards the maintenance of our buildings and grounds

Subject Levy per Child 

(Due at the commencement of the school year)


This will cover all of your children’s books and stationery requirements and also covers the purchase of materials for different subject areas such as English, Maths, Inquiry, Art, Technologies/STEM and Physical Education, Religious Education and The Resilience Project Workbook per child

Excursion Levy per Child

(Due at the commencement of the school year)


This will cover the cost of incursions and excursions. This will not be refundable should your child be away on the day of the excursion.

Transport costs for interschool sports are not included in the excursion levy. Students will be required to pay for these separately as the need arises.

Camp Levy 

(Years 5 & 6 Only)


This will cover the Camp for Years 5 & 6 students only 

Fee Information

  • Accounts are generally sent home twice each term and prompt payment of the term fee is required. 
  • Method of payment can be made by cash,credit card, EFTPOS or EFT.  
  • Where non-payment of fees occurs, parents will be asked to attend an interview with the principal to discuss the issue. Any unpaid fees may be directed to our Fees Collection Agency for recovery.
  • The fee structure is reviewed each year through consultation with the  Principal and Business Manager. To ensure we keep our costs to families as low as possible we have increased Family School fees, subject levy and excursion levy by 2.5% half of the recommended 5% increase advised by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS),  in order to ensure we keep Catholic Education affordable to all families who attend St Fidelis


All Fees will be invoiced at the start of the year



Foundation-Year 4 Students



Subject Levy per Child 

Excursion Levy per Child 



$ 345.00 

$ 125.00


$ 470.00

Year Five & Six Students

Subject Levy per Child

Excursion Levy per Child 

Camp Levy



$ 345.00

$ 125.00

$ 420.00  


$ 890.00


School Fees – Per Family   $1,950.00
Capital Levy – Per Family $   100.00


Divide your Amount Owing by THREE (3) Instalments due by: 

Instalment 1 

Friday 22  March  2024

Instalment 2                                          Friday 21 June 2024
Instalment 3

    Friday 13 September 2024 - ALL FEE payments to be completed

Payments are accepted by CASH, DEBIT CARD OR CREDIT CARD

If you wish to pay Direct Debit please contact the school Office.


Payments via Direct Debit would be weekly or monthly ensuring that all fees are 

finalised by the end of 3rd Term ( Friday 20th September 2024)

Should you have an queries please contact the school office on 03 383 3600 or email principal@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au


This School Fees and Levies schedule is reviewed in December of the current year.


You may be eligible for discounted school fees under the newly introduced 2023 Concessional School Fee Policy (including Health Care Card Holders) 



  • 1 Child Family $780 per annum
  • 2 Child Family $1,196.00 per annum
  • 3+ Child Family $ 1,560.00 per annum

(Excluding any camp charges)


The following families are encouraged to apply for concessional school fees as outlined in the newly introduced MACS Concessional School Fee Policy.

  • Any family holding a Health Care Card and eligible for camps, sports and excursions (CSEF) 
  • Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  • Any family experiencing severe finals hardship
  • Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  • Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Families who meet one of the above criteria will be required to fill out forms in February 2023.


As always, we are a Catholic School and it is important that all Catholic children have access to their local Parish School.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties or have other circumstances that may affect your capacity to pay your school fees and levies, please contact me.


Kind regards,

Manuela Watson