
Green Team

Have an idea or passionate about animals, the environment and sustainability? Come join the Green Team! We will be meeting Monday lunch at 5C's classroom - Mrs Stzrajt and Mrs Simula's room.  

Honey, honey, honey

Thanks to Henry from Backyard Honey (who look after our school bees), we have our harvested honey ready for the kitchen garden! At the end of last year, Henry dropped by to harvest the honey. We just got our honey delivered to us - what a sweet back to school surprise!

Dec Harvest
Dec Harvest
Honey delivery!
Honey delivery!

Project Stationery

We have a collection of stationery items that will be donated to Project Stationery just behind the Year 6 red door (next to the library). Our ASPS final collection date will be Friday 16th Feb. 

They will take new and used eg. partially used exercise books (just rip off used pages). Alternatively, you can drop them off in Alphington on Wednesday and Sundays - for more information:

Book Donations to New School

The left over books from our second hand book store have found a new home at Warreen Primary School, a new school in Truganina. Amanda Elmer, the principal of Warreen PS is a former ASPS teacher!

Amanda, principal of Warreen PS and former ASPS teacher!
Amanda, principal of Warreen PS and former ASPS teacher!
A car load donated
A car load donated

Some of the books also went into our school library and classroom libraries. Thank you for all your donations last year.

Recycle Right

A reminder that we have our recycling station set up outside the staffroom. Thanks to Ms Smith for previously housing them in the art room.

Remember the first R is to REDUCE, so let's try to reduce our use!

Sustainability Events & Resources

Kids Swap - Clothing, toys and costumes

Free, Sat 17th Feb, narrm ngarrgu Library, Level 1 of 141 Therry St, Melbourne


Have your kids got an armful of toys they don't want from Christmas that are ripe for regifting? Want to swap your son’s too-small book week costume for one that will fit this year? Is your daughter growing so fast you need to swap for some “new” clothes to keep up?

Join our (free) kid’s clothing, costume and toy exchange event!

This event is a feature event of the National Sustainability Festival

Bring six preloved items for your child to swap for those they will treasure. Items will be quality screened to ensure a fair and rewarding exchange experience for all. There's also 'Live more with less' workshops on kids parties with Dr Kate Luckins and Erin 'Rogue Ginger' Rhoads! Sign up here



Check out many more National Sustainability Festival Events.


Share & Swap Shop

Bring up to 10 pre-loved items to swap. A great initiative to encourage community to be part of the sharing economy and circular economy. Would you like our school to host a Share & Swap Shop?

Have suggestions for this page? Contact Ms Emily Hui.