Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Welcome to 2024

Welcome back to St Johns Park Public School. This is an exciting part of the year for students, teachers and families. New year, new classes, new beginnings, new routines. 

All students have been placed into temporary classes for the first 2 weeks while we wait for students to return or new enrolments. Each school must submit actual enrolments to the NSW Department of Education by 13th February, at which time classes can be finalised. We are hopeful that this can be done by 9th February. If any changes are to occur for your child, we will contact you directly.


Arrival and departure 

School starts at 9.10am and finishes at 3.10pm. It is important for students to be on time to school each day. They must also be picked up on time each afternoon. If students are late arriving to school or need to be picked up early, parents and/or carers must come to the office through Gate 2 to sign students in or out.

Gates are opened each morning at 8.40am and afternoons at 3.05pm. Gates are locked from 9.20am for student safety.


Parking and student safety

Afternoon pick-up times are busy and it is often difficult for families to find parking. As a courtesy to our neighbours, please DO NOT PARK in or across their driveways. Parents are reminded to be aware of and adhere to road and parking rules. Heavy fines may result if parking rangers are in the area.

We will continue to have supervised pedestrian crossings on the busy Edensor Road each morning and afternoon, as well as Sandringham Street each afternoon. Please model the correct behaviour and use them to cross the road.


Quote for Week 2 

A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen.’

Denise Witmer