Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Hello from 1A! We have made a fabulous start to Term 2, with everyone excited to be back at school and learning together again.


In Writing, we are learning about narrative writing, and have practised writing sentences and stories inspired by images and our own experiences. In Word Study, we are learning to add suffixes to base words to form new words.

In Maths, we are learning about the range of strategies we can use to solve addition and subtraction problems. On Wednesday afternoons, we play Maths games and enjoy practising our Maths skills in a fun and playful way.

In our Resilience Project Wellbeing lessons, we are learning about gratitude and empathy, and together we created a gratitude tree to remind us of the many things we feel grateful for in our lives.


Our Discovery topic for Term 2 is Weather, and our focus for Weeks 2 and 3 is learning about clouds. This week we learned about different cloud types and shapes. We also spent one Discovery session learning about Anzac Day and why poppies are used to remember the soldiers who fought for Australia.

We hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into our classroom!

1A with Ms. Emily