Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Kate Warburton (ES) a Mrs Josie Stocchero

Welcome Back to Term 2!

Welcome back to Term 2! We are already back to a busy start in Prep. In some exciting news, we officially welcome Kate Warburton to Prep A in the role of Education Support 4 days a week. There are so many exciting things happening; our first excursion, Mother's Day afternoon, Prep Breakfast, Education Week and a whole lot of new learning! 

🐰🍫 Easter Hat Parade! 🐰🍫

At the end of last term, the Preps took part in the whole school Easter Hat Parade and boy were there some AMAZING hats. Everyone looked so wonderful and the effort every family put in was outstanding. Thank you for contributing and participating to such a fun event, with out family support these events can't happen.


The Prep students all wrote wonderful recounts about their school holidays. It was great to see all students having a go and sharing their interesting adventures. It is amazing how far students have already come in such a short amount of time! Well done Preps!



In Reading, we have done an excellent job to consolidate our understanding and knowledge of concepts about print when reading a text, these include, pointing to the words, reading from left to right and ensuring we are reading a book in the correct order. We are beginning to apply reading strategies, and segment and blend sounds in words we aren't familiar with. 


5/6 Helpers

Prep A have been fortunate to have some wonderful 5/6 students come down to our grade and help our students with their phonics, reading and writing. In such a short amount of time, the senior students have made such a difference to the Preps and have been wonderful at supporting them and boosting their confidence. The Preps have loved forming this relationship and look forward to the next time they get a visit and opportunity to work together! 



In Maths we are learning about addition. As this is the first time exploring this concept, we are learning the 'count all' and 'friends of 10' strategies.  

ANZAC Poppies

The Prep students learnt about ANZAC day on Wednesday and completed these beautiful poppy drawings. They had lots of questions and wanted to know more. This would be a great conversation to have with your child as students were so engrossed in the history that Australia was part of. 

Things happening in Term 2...

We have so many exciting things happening in Prep in Term 2, there are all listed in the Prep Curriculum newsletter that was sent home but also below. 


🌟 Special Persons (Mother's Day) Afternoon - 10th May

🌟 Animal Land Farm, Diggers Rest - 14th May

🌟 Prep Breakfast - 31st May


Animal Land Permission Note: 



📝 Homework📝