Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Dear PVNPS Community,


Term 2 is upon us already and we are so excited about the learning and activities we have planned and hoping we can all work together for a terrific, supportive and fantastic term at PVNPS.

Farewells and Hellos:

I would like to inform you of some staff changes for the rest of this year.

Mr. Gagliardi who has been a classroom teacher at PVNPS for many years and just recently stepped into the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leader position for the last two years will be taking leave from next Monday for the rest of the year.  


Therefore, today, will be Mr. G’s last day for a while, so make sure you say ‘Cheers’ when you see him around the school.

I am sure along with all our staff we will miss Mr. G in many ways but also wish him all the best for what the rest of the year will bring him and his family.  

However, we may see Mr. G from time to time throughout the year.

 Mr. G has a very important role in our school and therefore we have been able to successfully find a suitable person to undertake the many roles and responsibilities for our staff, students and families.

Dimi has been appointed to replace Mr. G and I am sure you will welcome Dimi in the PVNPS way. Introductions will be held at the next assembly.

New Classroom Teachers:

  • Miss Khammy is the new fulltime teacher in 34A as Ms Samira is now waiting for the upcoming birth of her first child. 
  • Miss M is the new fulltime teacher in 56B as Miss Rachel will soon be leaving to also have her first child. 

New Education Support Staff:


We also have two new appointed Education Support Staff;

  • Emily in 34A and 
  • Kate in Prep A.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with all our staffing changes! We take staffing very seriously and beleive that we have made terrific replacements for our outgoing fantatsic staff.


We beleive that routines, high expectations and communication are essential elements for our partnership. It is highly important that your children see that you value school and education and communicate positively around school and show interest and concern for all they do (and don't do).

I wanted to say thank you for Term 1 as parent communications were terrific and this was shown via attendance at meet the teacher, colour run, working bees and simply coming up for SSG's and other meetings when required. It is also great to see the respect and understanding when phone calls are made concerning first aid or other student concerns.

Everything we do at PV NPS is all focused and about the students and their safety, wellbeing and educational outcomes.

So here's a few reminders to get us started for Term 3:

  • Be at school on time. Regular school attendance ( and on time) is highly essential and an expectation. 
  • School uniform must be worn at all times, except on special days. No HATS this term.
  • Mobile phones / smart watches must be signed in and out of the office daily and not taken and used within the school day via students.
  • Follow our school behaviour expectations matrix everyday and discuss your expectations with your own children on what you expect of them while they are learning at school.
  • Basic homework is sent out and if you are unsure of these expectations, please email or peak with your classroom teacher. Modifications can be made if required.

Student Voice- Denzel

Another PVNPS Student has a voice in our Community

I am extremely proud of our students as we have another student, Denzel, who used his voice  in our community.  Well done to Denzel who has used his ideals about diversity and creatiev thoughts to think of this unique flag for coburg. It was great to see the Mayor invite you to speak with him.

Please read over this article that was released last term by the Coburg Major Cr Adam Pulford. 



1950's Ex Students visit to PVN

Ex PVNPS Students from 1950's came to visit:

On Monday, three ex Pascoe Vale North Students, Roger, brothers John and Ross came to do a tour of the school. They were able to talk about their days at school here and even named some of their teachers and headmaster. Roger also discussed to 56A how there were 54 students in a class and he got the strap on a few occasions. Times were very different back then. 

The three gentlemen were then heading to the fish n chip shop on Sussex Street, which has always been there as they always went on Fridays after school. Then a stop at a few other places.

Roger was also on the sporting plague for 1960 football.


Eid Celebration

EID Celebration

Thank you to our community for our EID celebration to mark the end of Ramadan. It was lovely to see many students in their cultural clothing for many differnt cultures.  We also had more food involvement which was great to see the sharing across each classroom. 

It was a great afternoon of activities, and sharing the gifts that stduent may have received and the family gatherings they had.  

Our good deed on this day will be to donate $238.70 to FOODBANK Victoria.


School Lunches

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank 'EAT UP Victoria' as it is now supporting our school with some lunches for stduents needing food support. 

EAT Up is a not for profit organisation.