Principal's Message
Mrs Kaileen Carr
Principal's Message
Mrs Kaileen Carr
We are one week away from the Country Fair. I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered so far. We are still looking for more volunteers, so please click the link for the volunteer sign up sheet or use the QR code on the Country Fair posters, which are located throughout the school.
Communication: It is extremely important that we keep the lines of communication open at all times. If you need to contact the school for any reason, please feel free to email the school via the school email or phone the office. All messages are delivered to the class teacher and students when received. Teachers will respond before the close of business the following day, but please let the office staff know if it is urgent. If it is a concern about your child/children, the first contact should be the class teacher. Should you feel that your issue remains unresolved, please contact the Stage Assistant Principal. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if the problem persists.
Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Information sessions this week.
Teachers are now available for individual meetings with parents. The meetings are for parents who feel that there is a need to speak with class teachers regarding their child. The meetings are 10 minute time slots. Stage 1 and Stage 2 sessions will be held in the hall. Stage 3 meetings will be held in the classrooms.
Please phone office to make appointments.
Stage 1 - Tuesday 20th February 9:30 -11:00am
Stage 2 - Wednesday 21st February 8:30 -10:00am
Stage 3 - Monday 19th February and Wednesday 21st February 3:40 - 4:30pm.
Survey feedback: I would like to thank all the parents who responded to the survey sent out last year regarding some proposed changes to our student merit structure. We have looked at all the feedback as a whole staff and have decided to maintain the current system for Semester 1, while we undertake further community consultation. Please check the newsletter for parent feedback and information session dates and times.