People with Disability 

Employment Pathways

Support for Australian Apprentices with Disability

The Australian Government provides support to Australian Apprentices with disability to help them to reach their full potential as skilled workers. A range of assistance is available including tutorial, mentoring and interpreting services as well as the Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) incentive, which is paid to employers.

Find out more and how to claim HERE.

Can Do Training for people with disability

Marilyn Garbin has been around the WA careers education world for some time. She is providing short courses that develop soft skills, for people with disability. 

Some courses like these have been cut from TAFE and Marilyn is addressing the need identified by families of people with disability. 

I went to the graduation of the Term 4 group in December and all participants were supported by a family member or carer. 

Check out the pictures and find out about the courses HERE.

Employment Pathways for People with Intellectual Disability

Everyone Can Work is a website designed to help people with intellectual disability and their families to understand the supports available to get into open employment. 

School Leavers kit for students with Disability

A School Leavers Information Kit specifically designed for school leavers with disability has been developed. You can find a copy HERE. 

Entry Roles Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

Find information about entry roles supporting the Deaf and Hard of Hearing HERE.