Classroom Reports

Toni and I are excited to announce our first playgroup date for 2024 will be on Tuesday, 12 February at the play ground in Jacka Park.
Ange will be joining us for lots of fun , stories and singing.
Please meet us at 9.00am until 10.30am.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Kerry and Toni
F/1A - Foundation and Year 1
A warm welcome to all our new Foundation students, our four Grade Ones, and all our families. We are very lucky to have 15 students in our grade. We are all trying hard to learn the names of unfamiliar peers. Some of the activities so far have been focused to help us with this. Pete and Lyn, two of our puppets are also helping us learn the rules, particularly when we are sitting on the mat.
We are also incredibly lucky to have a very responsible group of Buddies who are helping us settle into the routine of school. They have collected us for recess and lunch, and helped us at the end of the day. The Foundation children are enjoying their conversations.
We are also very excited to have the Grade Threes join us for Maths games each Monday. We got to roll the dice correctly and 'build' bridges for the Billy Goats Gruff to cross.
A weekly timetable of various classes will be distributed on Friday but you can check Compass for your child's schedule as well.
-children need to bring their Reader Bag each day
-don't forget Art smocks and Library bags
-make sure all items of clothing are named.
Mrs Tanya, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1
What a fantastic start to 2024. We are all getting to know each other well. Even if Mrs T does get mixed up with a couple of names.
We are learning to get along and getting used to our class routine.
Thank you to parents for sending along fruit in containers for Fruit Break.
Our Grade Ones are lucky enough to visit Mrs Prevos four days a week to help with their Literacy.
We have:
P.E. -Monday and Wednesday
Art- Tuesday and Thursday (Art Smock Required)
Library- Thursday
Our Focus
Literacy- What is a word?
Numeracy- Number
Grade 1
Numeracy- Time
Thank you all for letting me be a part your children’s learning journey
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
Ms. Young and Mrs. McKenzie have really enjoyed welcoming our Grade 2 students back to Wedderburn College for a great year of learning (and hopefully some fun along the way too!) Ms. Young will be teaching Monday – Wednesday and Mrs. McKenzie will be teaching Thursday - Friday.
We are thrilled to see our students bringing such a positive attitude towards learning to school each day!
In Maths, we will be focusing on place value and students have been undertaking some assessments to show their current knowledge to inform future teaching. The class has also collected data about which months our class birthdays fall in and have represented their results as bar graphs. We were lucky enough to celebrate the first birthday of the year on Monday when Blake treated us all to chocolate cake – yum!
In Writing, we have been reviewing what makes a full sentence, and students have been doing a great job of starting with a capital letter, ending with a full stop and including a noun and a verb in their sentences.
In Reading, we have been reading and discussing imaginative texts together and have been reviewing what independent reading looks like.
Our inquiry focus of the term is personal and social learning. We have begun by naming and classifying different emotions within the “Zones of Regulation” and are learning about how our bodies give us clues when we feel stressed or relaxed.
Specialist Classes:
P.E. – Monday and Friday
Art – Wednesday
Music – Thursday
Health – Thursday
*Students also have a library session on Tuesday.
Just a reminder for students to bring in their library bag and art smock to school if they haven’t already.
Wishing all Grade 2 families a smooth transition back to the school routine.
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 2024!
Year 2 seems like a distant memory as students have started to explore Year 3 together in our new learning community!
We’re only three days into our year together and have already fit in some amazing experiences! Students have been eager to learn new routines and willing to share their thoughts and wonderings.
Together we explored the power of ‘….yet’. Students shared about reaching different milestones through our lives and developed a list of things in Year 3 that they cannot do…. YET! We look forward to practicing (and mastering) some of these ‘yet list’ items throughout the year!
Year 3 have also started their SMART Spelling journey as well as learning new games that focus on addition and subtraction. They have also shown their great leadership by working with Mrs. Tanya’s F/1 class to teach F/1 students some new skills needed to play mathematics games.
Students have also enjoyed time in the library doing some independent reading and borrowing books for our class library.
We look forward to a wonderful journey through Year 3 this year!
Miss A, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4&5
We have had an awesome start to the term in 4/5 with lots of smiling faces in the classroom! It is amazing to see how enthusiastic everyone is as we start our 2024 learning journey together.
This week we have been focusing on our communication, teamwork, and problem solving skills by creating a boat that can float using limited materials (foil and straws). With great success, all boats did float, some holding the weight of 25 highlighters! Well done!
We have been getting into routine with our literacy and numeracy, as well as the crowd favourites in our specialist subjects. It would be fantastic to see students recording their reading each night in their diaries. A reminder to all that our Library day is Friday.
We look forward to all the new learning and discoveries this term and year brings!
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 5/6
We have settled well into the classroom routine and are ready to jump into the learning pit.
Students have received a weekly timetable and other relevant information about the swimming program next week. This week, students received homework and together we unpacked this process. A letter will go home today informing parents and guardians of homework expectations. Please keep an eye out for this letter.
It has been wonderful to watch and listen the Grade 5/6 students with their foundation buddy. A genuine warmth and regard for each other is evident and truly a lovely interaction to see. Mrs Tanya has some photos to share.
Our Inquiry focus for this term has a biological science theme. Students will be learning about animal classification, adaptations, environments and evolution. We will take an integrated approach to this subject and include digital technology and many STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) aligned activities.
If you would like to speak to me or send me a message, please use the student diary, compass or call the school. I look forward to working with your child and family in 2024.
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
The students in Year 9 participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award throughout the year. They have started to plan what they would like to do for their Skill and their Physical component. The students also experienced their first day in the school vegetable patch on Monday the 5th February, as part of their Volunteer Role. They planted succulents that will be for sale on Fete Day, so please come along to support their work.
Week 1 of Term 1 the Year 9 students attended the first MY9 Camp.
In Week One, the Year 9 students attended the first camp for MY9. The camp was based at Hopetoun on Lake Lascelles. The students arrived on Wednesday at lunchtime and were very excited to see what their accommodation was like for the next three days. After having a quick debrief, the students were presented with their MY9 polo shirts. This year the shirts have a green trim, and they look fantastic. After lunch they all gathered by the edge of Lake Lascelles for a canoe debrief and then paired up ready to canoe on the lake. The students picked up the techniques very quickly and were confidently manoeuvring around the lake together.
After some fun on the lake the students had a snack and headed over to the local Hopetoun swimming pool for some fun.
The morning of Day Two was spent at Wyperfeld National Park, Snow Drift Sand Dunes. The students enjoyed having a look around at the top of the Dune and then sliding down the side of the Dune on a bodyboard and skimboard.
In the evening we headed to Sea Lake for dinner at the Sea Lake Hotel, which was a lovely treat for the students. We then went out to Lake Tyrrell to watch the sunset over the impressive Salt Lake.
On Friday morning we packed up camp after another delicious egg and bacon breakfast, and headed to Beulah, for a canoe on the Beulah creek. The students were very tired but enjoyed a short paddle before heading to Donald for a Fish and Chip lunch. We then made our way back to Wedderburn.
Thank you to Ms Herrington, Ms Van De Wetering and Mr Forrest for planning a great camp experience for the beginning of the MY9 Journey in 2024. Keep an eye out for more adventures that the Yr 9 students will be up to this year.
My highlight is when we got to go to the salt lakes and we got to walk on them. - Max
My highlight for camp was when we went to Lake Tyrrell,to look at the stars. - Kayla
My highlight of camp was going out for dinner and then going to the Salt Lake -Olivia
Year 9 Leadership Camp - Don Valley
On Sunday the 4th of February, eight nervous and excited Year 9 students made the trip to the Don Valley Leadership camp. It has been reported that all students have begun to settle in and have enjoyed Team Days on Monday. Big thank you to Tom Stayner for sending through this picture.
Year 10
Welcome back all students. The Year 10s have made an excellent start to their 2024 year. This year, the Homeroom teachers for Year 10 are Mr Alexander Iser and Miss Emma Milne. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us.
A few things to note.
- Maths Homework: Due Friday’s, however, where there is no Friday, it is Wednesday. First one is due Wednesday the 14th of February. Students have been given the terms work. Any unfinished work will also be given as homework.
- Science Homework: Due weekly; please be aware of your due date. Use your diary!
- VCE students are reminded to ensure they are keeping up with their Year 11 Homework.
A big congratulations to Dakota Martin and Tyson Blair on being elected our SRC Representatives for 2024! Both students delivered excellent speeches and will lead by example.
One last note about attendance. With so many of our year 10 students studying a VCE subject or undertaking a VM program, attendance is doubly important. There are strict attendance requirements to ensure satisfactory completion of these certificates. At Wedderburn College, we understand the massive impact that being away from school can have on our students’ education. We’re aiming for 95% attendance for all students. That said, we understand that life can throw problems from out of nowhere. In these cases, we’d love to focus on communication. Please stay in touch if there are any issues that may prevent your student from attending school.
Alexander Iser & Emma Milne,Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
What a great start to an already busy year!
We’d like to start by welcoming back our students and thank them for the smooth beginning to the year. Most students came back ready to learn and had done their required work over the long break.
A big thank you to the significant adults in our students’ lives who were able to attend our information evening last Wednesday. We had an excellent turn out and hopefully our families feel more connected to the school. Remember we are only a phone call away. An even bigger thanks goes to our staff who were able to attend. We appreciate the effort you make for our VCE students, and you show great dedication every day. We hope you have a successful year.
House Captains have been elected, as have our SRC reps. Thanks to Beau, Ella, Amelia, Libby, Travis, Alexandra, Blake, Kyeishia and Declan for putting your hands up to take on these leadership roles.
Tomorrow we head off to Queenscliff for our three day camp. We can’t wait to hit the waves and watch the sunrise each morning over the bay.
We are looking forward to another fabulous year!
Mr Gretgrix and Mrs Woodman, Year 11 & 12 Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Swimming Sports: As you may be aware, our annual House Swimming Sports are quickly approaching. They will be held on Friday the 16th of February at the Wedderburn Swimming Pool. There will be plenty of events to participate in; whether you are confident swimmers or not, there will be the usual events and novelty events to be involved with. Parents, guardians, caregivers and families are invited to attend, participate (in the Staff, Student & Parent/Carer race and dances) and are encouraged to come dressed in house colours.
Please also ensure you log into compass to consent for the day or request a hardcopy to sign.
We are super excited to announce our 2024 House Captains; a big congratulations to Libby Norman and Travis Lowe on becoming the Ansett House Captains and Kalais Crees, Ella Weber and Beau Hartnell on becoming Jacka House Captains for 2024. We are so lucky to have so many up-and-coming leaders at our school. We know you will excel in these positions.
For those who were not present during our Sports Captain Speeches and Swimming Sport Sign up, please see Mr P, Miss Milne or speak with your Homeroom teacher regarding signing up to events. There is still plenty of time.
Primary Swimming Program
Year 2-6 will be participating in a Swimming program from 1:00pm-3:00pm in Week 3 of this term. This program will prepare students for the Swimming Sports for that week. All parents/carers should have received the note last week with additional details and a consent form. All consent forms need to be return by Thursday the 8th of February. This program will be run by Haley Smith, Robyn Vella and Emma Milne. Please find below a timetable.
Secondary Swimming Program
In Health and Physical Education classes this term (weeks 1 – 5), we will be running a swimming and water safety unit with students in Years 7 – 10. This program is designed to improve students understanding of safety, dangers and risks associated with aquatic environments, as well as improve stroke techniques. The unit will also provide a great lead-in to our swimming sports on Friday 16th February.
These sessions will take place during the timetabled double period of HPE each week (times and days listed below). On these days, students will be required to bring a towel, bathers and a change of underwear. The school will provide sunscreen, but students may bring their own if necessary. We will be walking to and from the Wedderburn Swimming Pool for these sessions.
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Friday: Period 2a/2b | Monday: Period 1a/1b | Monday: Period 1a/1b | Wednesday: Period 3a/3b |
If a student will not be swimming for a specific reason, a note from home needs to be presented to the HPE Teacher, with a signature from parent/guardian/caregiver. It is important to mention that these reasons for non-participation must be valid as this unit is an important part of our school curriculum. We appreciate your support with this.
Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Week:
This week, the PE student of the week is awarded to Lillie Luckman. Her engagement in class during Unit 1 VCE PE has been terrific. Keep up the active learning Lillie and continue to take opportunities to extend yourself. Great start!
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.