Principal's Message

Mr Forrest


Welcome to the 2024 School Year

It was great to welcome over 200 students and staff returning last week after the annual summer holiday break.  It was fantastic to see so many happy and smiling faces.  We all look forward to having an amazing year in education at Wedderburn College in 2024.     We have our largest number of enrolled Foundation and Year 7 students in over a decade. 


Parent Meetings

I am happy to have to engage in discussion with parents over the phone and in person, however, please note that Mr Lockhart and myself are both teaching principals this year and so are not always available at short notice to meet with you.   Please phone ahead to make appointments and we will have the office A-Team book in an appointment at a time convenient to meet with you.    We thank you for your understanding with this matter.

Welcome New Staff

It was great to welcome three new  teachers to Wedderburn College and formally welcome the return of four  education support staff in 2024.  They have all made a great start to their time at Wedderburn College and we wish them all the very best in the future.   Welcome (left-right) Daniel Pettifer, Charlie Braybrook, Eilish Flagg, Mel Young, Toni Cramp, Macey Jacques and Jess Polkinghorne (absent).     After five hundred years in the library Joan has finally decided to step back slightly to three days a week with Toni becoming the new librarian two days a week.   

Staff Changes in 2024

It was great to finalise our staffing for the 2024 before Christmas, however we have had to make a couple of changes to the primary structure over the break.   Unfortunately we are an Indonesian teacher down at the moment, however we have been able to make a sixth primary classroom meaning that all year levels are under 18 students.  



Year P/1 A -  Mrs Tanya Chalmers  

Year P/1 B - Mrs Rebecca Torney 

Year 1/2 -  Miss Mel Young & Mrs Deirdre McKenzie 

Year 3 -  Miss Mel Anderson

Year 4/5  - Miss Eilish Flagg

Year 5/6  B - Mrs Carlie Turnbull 


Out and About 

Welcome Morning Tea

It was great to welcome a large group of interested families to the Parents Association morning tea on Monday.     Please support the PA whenever you can as they are doing a fantastic job of providing resources and support to our students.  Lookout for their big events in Term 1. 


 Year 9 CAMP

I was pleased to be able to attend the Year 9 Hopetoun camp last week.  The weather was perfect, the students and staff were perfect and the township of Hopetoun once again looked after us.    We spent hours in the canoes, sanding dunning at Patchewollock,  swimming at the local pool, visited the old school site that was used in the hit Aussie film with Eric Bana,'The Dry' and visited Lake Tyrell salt lake under the stars. The students and staff had heaps of fun and adventures. 



It was great to see our Year 6 students present their annual Leadership Speeches during Huddle time on Tuesday.  All students presented very informative and at times added a little humour to their speeches which made the task for all students who voted very difficult.    We congratulate Luke Martin, Kaiden Bristow & Maora Pambudi as the three elected Primary School Captains for 2024.  Successful Jacka House Captains: Brodie Turnbull, Heath Leach, Brax Jaques and Ansett House Captains: Chelsie Tansley, Meika Collins, & Nate Turner.   Archie Derks, Sullivan Steel, Piper Denney, Jack Canham have been elected to the  Student Representative Council.   

Change of Date for first Whole School Assembly


Tuesday 20th February - 2B Leaders Induction Investiture Ceremony in the KLC.  

 All Welcome.     12:10 p.m. 

Swimming Sports Next Week

We all look forward to our first House event next Friday the 16th of February when the rivalry between Ansett and Jacka continues.  Can Ansett swim well to regain the swimming shield or will the Jacka team win back to back titles?  I encourage parents, carers and interested community members to pop in and say hello during the day. BBQ lunch supplied.   Go Jacka on the Attacka!!


  • Swimming Sports Next Week Friday 16th. All Welcome.
  • Primary swimming lessons next week.
  • Preps do not attend every Wednesday in Term 1.
  • Book in for Out of Hours School Care  (OHSC) via the school office 54943011.
  • Make sure you have a copy of the school calendar 2024!


Thanks to everyone who has supported the first year of Out of Hours School Care.  

It has been a very successful program and will continue next year. 

We are now open for business again.  Please book via the front office.


Out of Hours Before & After School Care Staffing 2024

Childcare Coordinator:  Trudi Van De Wetering.

Childcare Assistants: Melinda Springthorpe, Trina Vaughan, Annette Hunt. 

Childcare Administration:  Errin Leach.

Other School Changes Reminders 

'My Nine'  - Year 9 in 2023

This year all Year 9 students will participate in a more engaging program.  Students will participate in approximately a day of Duke of Edinburgh training at Bronze level each Monday, a day at the North Central Trade and Training Centre (NCTTC) Charlton  each Wednesday and a school camp each term.     A huge thanks to everyone for the great turn out for the presentation held at school this week.   Any families who were not able to attend will have all information sent home today. 

The 'Huddle' Each Tuesday 2B (P-12)

'Huddle Time' is a protected period of time that will be used weekly to schedule assemblies, guest speakers, careers education for older students, respectful relationship activities, SWPBS and wellbeing sessions. This will keep interruptions down to a minimum across the week as it has been planned in the timetable for all classes across the school. 

Deeper Strategic Careers Focus/Lessons  for Year 5 - 12

Robyn Vella will be continuing in her role as Careers Education Support Officer this year.  Carol Woodman (Careers Education/VCE coordinator) and Robyn will operate in a new dedicated space.  We also welcome back Lauren Barker who has assisted in planning for Careers Education across each year level.  


Mr Forrest