Teaching and Learning

Swimming & Water Safety Program

We began the first of our eight sessions last week, with our next session taking place this 

afternoon. Our students are arranged into two groups, with those needing help with floating, putting their face in the water and beginning swimming skills, in the smaller, shallower pool and those with more 

advanced skills in the larger, deeper pool.

Our students are so fortunate to be provided these intensive small group sessions at no cost to our families; another benefit of a small school environment. 

P-2 News from Miss Duffy

We have been hard at work over the past two weeks, so I wouldn't be surprised if your little ones have come home exhausted (their teacher certainly is by 3.20pm each day). We have been studying our Mentor Text called Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge and have been learning all about memories. This text also aligns beautifully with our Integrated Studies unit on growing and the human life-cycle. 

Our Numeracy sessions have seen us focussing on numbers and place value. Check out our hundreds, tens and units designs  that we designed from blocks, replicated with pictures of the blocks and then totalled up the blocks to make a three-digit number!

Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins

With Body Systems as our major unit of study for term one, the kids have traced 'replicas' of their own bodies and applied them to our wall. I can't wait to see how creative they get in showcasing all their learning over the course of the term. 

Student Engagement & Collaboration

Friday afternoons look a little different than they used to at Raywood Primary School. Our last session of the day is no longer termed "Activities" with students tending to do their own thing. We are now focussing on students learning from each other and learning some new skills......hence our new session entitled "Student Engagement & Collaboration".  Each week there will be strategically selected tasks and activities for our students to engage in, these might be a student teaching the others a specific computer skill or students showing others how to play a game (such as Guess Who or a card game). With the idea being that our students can work collaboratively and pick up a range of new skills and knowledge that they can apply into the future. Our first session saw the students work together to solve jigsaws and play a game of snakes and ladders. 

MARC Library News from Mrs Gentry

MARC 2024

Welcome back to another year full of wonderful books! 

There will be lots of exciting things happening this year, the first is that we have a NEW van! It should look just like the last one, and as I am typing this Chris Kennett’s amazing art is being organised to be put on. Can’t wait to get it all on the road!

I would like each student to return the INmag consent form that will be sent home in coming weeks. This fabulous magazine has been created by 2 local teachers and is packed full of content created by kids. By giving permission to submit work I will be able to upload activities we do throughout the year, which then might be included in future publications. Below is the link to the magazine’s website if you would like to look into it further. 



What better way to start the year than celebrating our libraries! We will be talking about why we love our MARC (and school) libraries in class. Share a book on February 14th with someone you love.



Art News from Miss Duffy

We have had a fun and creative start to our year with our students exploring line and pattern. Students created cats and turtles that showcased their ability to design using line and pattern. I am sure you will agree these look very effective.