News at SJV !

During 1st Term we have the District Inter School Swimming Carnival. In preparation we will be having before school training sessions. The first session begins on Thursday 15th of February at Waves, 7:30am - 8am. A letter will be sent via Operoo with further details next week.
Free Dental Services at SJV
The Australian Dental Health Van will be at SJV next Wednesday 7th February and Thursday 8th February 2024 to provide FREE dental examinations and services for our students. If you have a Medicare card, funding up to the value of $1095 will cover the dental services. There are NO OUT of POCKET expenses.
Any families who do not have a Medicare Card will be eligible for a FREE Dental Health Screen and tooth strengthening remineralisation. Further information and a permission form has been sent home with your child today and is also contained in this newsletter. This form must be returned to the Office by next TUESDAY 6 February if you would like your child to take up this wonderful opportunity.