Senior School News

What's happening in Years 10, 11 and 12.

Senior Subschool updates

Senior students have made a great start to 2024! We’ve seen most students organised with all their equipment, wearing their uniform with pride and trying their best in all their classes. 



Our VCE VM students started their VET courses this week at TAFE and have been enjoying the group work of their classes. The year 10 students have made positive steps towards success as they have entered the senior school. The class of 2024 (Year 12s) have moved into their new study space and seem excited for the year ahead. 


Year 12’s will have a Team Building excursion to the city next week- stay tuned for how that goes!



  • Laptops are still necessary for all senior students. Students need to make sure they have a laptop and bring it to their classes.
  • Students should be wearing black, leather school shoes (not runners).
  • Students need to make sure they have all required equipment, including textbooks, online (Edrolo) or physical.

For assistance with any of these requirements, students and families can contact Senior School.


Emma Lynch

Senior Sub School Manager

Glenroy College 



NGV excursion for senior Arts students

Last week year 12 art class went to the NGV International to see the Triennial exhibit. Students were able to view a variety of artworks including installations, sculpture, drawing and photography. There were many artists from across the world that students were able to explore.  This was a great opportunity for students to get inspired when creating their body of work.


Lisa Huntley

Teacher - Arts 



Keep informed with the careers team!

As shared via Compass with the families and students in years 10, 11, and 12, the Careers team at Glenroy have released a newsletter in term 1! Follow the link below to access the website, and keep up to date with the goings on with the careers team.