
Harmony Week: 20th - 26th of March
House teams are back!
Excitement is building at Glenroy College as we prepare for our very first Swimming Carnival in 23 years! All students and staff have now been allocated a House Colour- we have 4 houses which are Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. Our first House meeting was held on Monday 5th February, where students were able to sign up for the numerous activities on the day and students were surveyed to decide on future House names. We look forward to announcing them in our next newsletter!
We look forward to welcoming our new House Captains who will be elected in the upcoming week, applications are still being welcomed until Friday 16/2- so please put your application in now. Applications can be found on compass or at your sub school.
We will have another House Colour Day soon where all houses will come together and the House Captains will be presented and let the fun and games begin..