Year 12 Immersion Day

Year 12 students took part in our Immersion experience on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 February.
Students were hosted at the McIntosh Centre in Shepparton and were presented with a variety of activities to assist them with study skills, pathways, work readiness, driver safety, wellbeing, industry information and team building/bonding.
Immersion sets the scene to begin their final year of secondary education.
Many thanks to the following business and organisations that supported our students over the two days:
- Gotafe
- Latrobe University
- Latrobe Bradford Program
- University of Melbourne
- Partners in Training
- Headspace
- GSSC Mental Health team
- Greater Shepparton Light house Project
- Road Safe Goulburn Valley
- Elevate Study Skills
- Watters Electrical
- Quick Lift Cranes
- Furphys
- Boats and More
- Admoor Plumbing
- CA refrigeration
- Darryl Twitt
- Greater Shepparton City Council
- Corten Audio
- Beth Gray ( former student guest speaker)