Welcome Back 2024

Year 7 2024
It was great to welcome all our students back on site last week and to see everyone really enjoying each other’s company. Year 7 Conferences were held on Tuesday the 30th of January, which was a fantastic opportunity to kick start some home/school partnerships with families. The 2024 Year 7s have been a part of creating their own high school time capsule that will be filled with memories as they travel through their schooling years at GSSC. Another piece was added to the time capsule with a photo marking their first day of Year 7. On Statewide Orientation Day, the 2024 Years 7s also took part in each decorating a Koi fish to add to the capsule that will be kept until their last day at GSSC. In Japanese culture, the carp symbolizes courage and strength because of its ability to swim up a waterfall. For us at GSSC, creating the koi symbolises welcoming the incoming year 7s into our community and wishing them good luck, strength and wellbeing for the future.
Year 12 2024
There has been a buzz among our Year 12 class of 2024 as they embark on their final year of secondary school. We have enjoyed seeing the students around the yard or in class wearing their Year 12 shirts proudly. On Monday and Tuesday this week, the Year 12s attended their Immersion Days at the McIntosh Centre. This provided an opportunity for our senior students to set themselves up for the year ahead and to make some positive connections with fellow peers and staff.