Mundijong police

From Mundijong Police Station Acting Officer-in-Charge, Senior Sergeant Ross Williams.
I have stepped into the role of Acting Officer in Charge while Senior Sergeant Moore is helping at the new Armadale District office. This month we welcomed two new officers to the station, Sergeant Adrian Bailey and Senior Constable Zack Ryan, both officers come highly recommended and will be an asset to our station. Some of you may have already met Sergeant Bailey at the December Neighbourhood Watch meeting, if you would like to come along to the next one, keep an eye on the SJ Shire web page for the details. As we move into the warmer months, history tells us that unfortunately crime can increase. We, along with you, will do everything we can to keep our area a safe place to live, work and travel. In the last week we have seen a slight increase in stealing from motor vehicles. I would encourage you to ensure all valuables are removed from your vehicle, do not leave anything on show in your car, and keep your vehicle locked and secured. Let’s not make life easy for crooks! Remember we are here if and when you need us, stay safe.
Acting Snr Sgt Ross Williams Mundijong Police Station 1445 Mundijong Road, Mundijong WA 6123 T:(08) 9526 5111
This update comes from Mundijong Police Station's monthly e-newsletter, eWatch. To subscribe, email