Hugh's news

Let's face it, a monthly write up from your local pollie is not the sort of thing that makes the top of most people's reading lists, and when Christmas approaches, the cheesy platitudes can go into overdrive. I've done my best to steer clear of that here and instead of the usual Christmas clichés, I want to talk about a realisation I had just this week.
I ran a Christmas Hamper Competition over the last few days and invited the community to nominate a worthy winner. I wanted to fill the hamper with something useful - and what could be a better holiday help than vouchers for fuel, groceries, clothes and toys?
The nominations came in fast. We all know someone who gives more of themselves than they take, but reading through the emails brought home just how much we rely on the kindness of those around us. So many people in this community give so much of themselves, are experiencing hardships, and quite often both.
I want to thank all those that took the time to express in words what their friends, colleagues and family are dealing with at present. One email particularly moved me and I was pleased to drop the hamper off to a single mother who is undergoing a significant medical challenge, maintaining employment, as well as looking after her very young son.
It is comforting to know the people doing it tough have someone looking out for them, and your emails reminded me that a kind gesture or some words of recognition can make a difference. Our community is how we look out for each other, and I am grateful to be a part of the Darling Range community.
As I write this, a bushfire Emergency Warning has been issued for parts of Keysbrook, Nambeelup and North Dandalup. We live in a bushfire prone area and, especially during this holiday period, we must keep the safety of our family, friends and neighbours at the front of our minds. Please heed the advice of our dedicated emergency services and ensure you are prepared by visiting and making a plan. It only takes 15 minutes and it could save your life.
I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year, and look forward to what our community will achieve in 2024.
My office is closed from December 22 until January 4, but you can always email me at
Best wishes and happy reading.
Hugh Jones MLA
Member for Darling Range
Follow me on Facebookand Instagram, and check out my website for all the latest.
Did you know? We have just received a delivery of the Elder Rights WA / Legal Aid WA 2024 diaries at the office. They are packed full of info relevant to Seniors, so pop in to pick up a copy or contact the office and we will do our best to get a copy to you.