P&F News and information

Dear St Finbar's community,
As a community we would like to welcome all the new Prep families to our wonderful school. We are confident this will be a wonderful time for your child.
Welcome also to our new students!
Year 3 - Anna, Hazel, Kimi and Olivia
Year 4 - Ellie and Joshua
Year 5 - Michaela
We encourage new families to get involved in as many activities to build those long lasting friendships.
Our calendar is generally jam packed with activities and I can agree to the saying "you get out what you put in”.
Which is a great segue to some of the main dates for Term 1:
7 Feb Open Morning 9:30-10am
10-14 Feb Yr 6 camp
20 Feb Dads welcome Pot and Parma
27 Feb school closure day
28 Feb school closure day
4 March Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
10 March Labour Day school closure day
12-14 March NAPLAN
17 March St Patrick’s Day
21 March Whole School Athletics Day - parent helpers required
1-2 April Parent Teacher interviews
4 April Colour Run + last day of Term 1pm Finish
Each year level has class reps to support parents with reminders, staff birthdays and are responsible for an event. We also have a rep monitored What’s App group per year level. Please get in touch if you are not on this What’s App chat.
Pot and Parma booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1344377
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Your St Finbars Parent and friends committee
Kate Blake
0407 336 774
Daniel Kalnins
0409 867 843