Sports News

READY - SET - GO! This week saw a prompt start to the many sporting opportunities provided here at St. Finbar’s, with a wonderful turnout of 35 students in Years 3-6 rising early yesterday morning for our Swim Team trials at GESAC pool. We congratulate all of these students (and families) for making the brave effort to be on pool deck by 7am, and give it their best in their chosen trial events. Further Swim Team information can be found below.
We look forward to an exciting Term 1 of sport with all of our students involved - yes; even our Preps! St. Finbar’s is very welcoming and grateful of the wonderful parent-involvement with our sporting events, especially our Whole School Athletics (Term 1), Year 3-6 Cross Country event (Term 2) and our Whole School Swimming carnival (Term 4). We also value the amazing parent support we get with our Year 5&6 Winter Sport program in term 2, along with coaching support with HoopTime and Cricket Blast tournaments. Please refer to the SPORT section in our weekly newsletters for any reminders regarding sporting events and upcoming opportunities. Our Sports Coordinator (Mrs. Tania Thompson) is also very happy to answer any questions you have in relation to sporting opportunities. If you’d also like to learn more about the pathways for AWD (Athletes With Disabilities), please also email Tania.
Swim Team training (selected team): Fri. 7th & Wedn. 12th Feb. @ GESAC, 7am - 8.15am
District Swimming Carnival (relevant students only): Mon. 17th February @ Oakleigh Pool
Whole School (P-6) House Athletics Carnival: Fri. 21st March @ Duncan McKinnon Reserve
P&F Colour Run: Fri. 4th April @ Dendy Park Athletics oval
We congratulate our Year 3-6 students who braved the early rise this week on Wednesday morning to attend our Swimming trials at GESAC. It was fantastic to see so many ‘have a go’ and try their best. A HUGE thank you goes to all the parents for supporting their child/ren to get to these trials and to get them to school at the bell.
All trialling families have been emailed with the announcement of the team. Trial times will also be posted up on the windows behind the outdoor metal tables in the Mary Clare courtyard near the office.
This year we have twenty-four students representing our school at the Dendy District Swimming carnival, which is being held on Monday 17th February at Oakleigh Rec. Pool. This Friday and next Wednesday many team members will head to the GESAC pool for some early-morning Swim team training. Over the hour, swimmers will practice their dive-starts, race-finish wall touches, work on stroke development and race-pace specifics. Good luck to all Swim team members!
Tania Thompson (Sports Coordinator)