Principal's Report

Welcome to 2025!
Today marks one week since the children started back for the new school year, and everyone is quickly settling in to their new school routine. It was great to welcome our new Preps yesterday. The school had seemed somewhat empty without our Preps for the first few days. There was much excitement in the classrooms in the morning
Being the first newsletter of the year, this one is quite lengthy. You might need to grab a drink before settling down to read it.
We're very excited about some of the new initiatives that we have planned at St Finbar's this year, in both the Teaching and Wellbeing areas. Our junior classes start InitialLit as their synthetic phonics program, and our senior classes are moving to Spelling Mastery for their spelling program. After a lengthy process last year, we have finalised our new School Values and Behaviour Expectations - Laura Zeeng provides more detail on the Deputy Principal page. Our school production of Peter Pan is locked in for August, and the sporting calendar is quickly filling up.
We have some new students who have joined us in Years 3 to 5 this year. We are so pleased that you and your families are now a part of the St Finbar's community.
Welcome to :
Year 3 - Hazel L, Anna B, Kimi Q, Olivia S
Year 4 - Ellie L, Joshua B
Year 5 - Michaela M
Three new staff members have also joined us this year. We welcome Meg Mackinnon who is teaching 2M this year, Shane Daly in 4D and and a new LSOs has joined our team, Kim Berends. You can find a full staff list further down in this newsletter.
Thank you to the many families that attended Tuesday's Parent Information Evening; it was wonderful to see so many of you there. It's always a great opportunity to meet your child's teachers and see their new classrooms. For those that couldn't make it I have included the main points that were covered in my information session further down in this newsletter. Classroom teachers will make their own presentations available to you.
Our Year 6 students will be presented with their leadership badges tomorrow morning at assembly. This is always a special occasion for our new student leaders and the Year 6 parents are invited to attend. We also wish the Year 6s well as they head off to Canberra on Monday. They have a jam packed itinerary planned, but it is always a valuable experience for the children.
Open Morning
We are holding an open morning this Friday 7th February from 9:30am to 10:30am (straight after assembly). This is a chance for you to spend some time in your child's new classroom, and have an informal chat with the teachers and other parents.
Arrival Time in the Morning
A reminder that students are not to be in the playground without a parent before 8:30am. Thank you to the parents that wait in cars or the playground with your children until you see a staff member arrive for duty.
Parent Handbook
The parent handbook has been updated for 2025. The new Prep families have received their own hard copy version but here is a copy for your own perusal. You will also find a copy on the school website.
2025 Staffing
Prep B Mrs Fiona Byrne Prep P Mrs Louise Pickering
1C Miss Carlie Cochrane 1L Miss Niamh Lennon
2F Miss Caroline Farrelly 2M Miss Meg Mackinnon
3F Miss Tilly Ferrari 3G Miss Annalisa Gourley
4A Miss Bianca Antonio 4D Mr Shane Daly
5B Miss Shannon Bourke 5H Miss Sigrid Happell
6N Mrs Amanda Norton/
Mrs Tania Thompson 6T Mr Peter Tyndall
Parish Priest: Fr. Ian Ranson
Principal: Ms Michelle Hill
Deputy Principal/Learning Diversity/
Teaching and Learning: Mr Callum Mills
Deputy Principal/REL/
Wellbeing: Ms Laura Zeeng
Administration Manager (M/Tu/Th/F): Mrs Libby Thomas
Administration Assistant (M/Tu/W/Th): Mrs Amanda Johnson
Literacy Leader: Miss Nonie Kay
Maths Leader: Mrs Jo Fraser
eLearning Leader: Mrs Amanda Norton
Indigenous Perspectives/
Community Leader: Mrs Lisa Douglas
Graduate Teachers/
Inductions Leader: Miss Sigrid Happell
Specialists Teachers
PE (Prep - Yr 4): Mrs Jenny Allen
PE (Yr 5 & 6) & Sports: Mrs Tania Thompson
Performing Arts: Miss Nonie Kay
LOTE (Italian): Mrs Lena Sirianni
Visual Arts: Ms Lisa Douglas
Reading Recovery: Mrs Dianne Ward
Intervention: Mrs Jo Fraser
Other Staff
Library Admin: Mrs Narelle Connell
Learning Support Officers: Mrs Sally Hill Mrs Sue Humble
Mrs Anthea Conroy
Mrs Sonia Blakey
Mrs Liesl Willcocks
Mrs Ania Von Oxenberg
Mrs Narelle Connell
Mrs Catherine Davies-Gray
Ms Ann Barber
Mrs Cecilia Hedley
Miss Alessia Colletti
Miss Kim Berends
Miss Tess Campigli
Miss Claudia Favorito
Occupational Therapist/
Learning Diversity Leader: Miss Andrea La Fontaine
Groundsman: Mr Dino Tornese
School Advisory Council
The first meeting for the School Advisory Council is scheduled for Tuesday 11th February at 6:30pm in the Staffroom. Our Council Members are:
- Fr. Ian Ranson - Parish Priest (Custodian of Mission)
- Michelle Hill - Principal (Ex-Officio)
- Paul Clarke (2023 - 2025) - Chairperson
- Kate Blake (P & F President)
- Jane Wendland (2024 - 2026)
- Richard Maloney (2024 - 2026)
- Ben Warren (2025 - 2027)
- Bree Wood (2025 - 2027)
Have a great week,
Michelle Hill