Important Dates

Important Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 25th of February - Primary Years Community BBQ 3-4pm
Thursday 27th of February - Years 4-6 Athletics Carnival at Willinda Park Greensborough
Thursday 6th of March - Primary Final Divison Swimming Squad
Monday 10th of March - Labour Day Public Holiday (no school)
Wednesday 12th of March - NAPLAN begins
Friday 21st of March - Harmony Day
Friday 28th of March - Parent/Teacher conferences (online)
Saturday 29th of March - Year 7 2026 Tour 9AM-10AM
Friday 4th of April - Easter Bonnet Parade (8:45AM-10:45AM) and Last Day of Term 1, normal finish time
Term 2
Monday 21st of April - Easter Monday Public Holiday (no school)
Tuesday 22nd of April - First Day of Term 2
Thursday 24th of April - Anzac Day Ceremony
Friday 25th of April - Anzac Day Public Holiday (no school)
Tuesday 29th of April - Prep Information Night 6PM-7PM
Monday 5th of May - Prep 2026 Meet and Greet at HGC Kinder 11:30AM-1PM
Tuesday 6th of May - Mother's Day Stall
Tuesday 6th of May - Mother's Day Breakfast
Monday 12th - Friday 17th of May - Education Week
Friday 16th May - Education Support Staff Day
Saturday 17th of May - Prep Tour 9AM-10AM
Tuesday 20th of May - Brainstorm Productions Prep to Year 2
Thursday 22nd of May - National Simultaneous Storytime
Friday 23rd of May - Curriculum Day (no school for students)
Tuesday 27th of May - Reconciliation Week
Thursday 29th of May - Years 3-6 Brainstorm Productions
Friday 4th of July - Last Day of Term 2, normal finish time
Term 3
Monday 21st of July - Curriculum Day (no students)
Tuesday 22nd of July - First Day of Term 3
Monday 28th - Wednesday 30th of July - Year 4 Camp
Thursday 31st of July - Prep 2026 Readiness Night 6PM-7PM
Friday 1st of August - 100 Days of Prep Celebration
Friday 1st of August - Principals Day
Monday 4th - Tuesday 5th of August - Year 5 Camp
Monday 11th - 15th of August - National Week Against Bullying
Monday 11th - 15th of August - Science Week
Monday 18th - 22nd of August - Book Week (Book an Adventure) and Book Fair
Wednesday 27th - Saturday 30th of August College Production
Tuesday 2nd of September - Father's Day Breakfast
Tuesday 2nd of September - Father's Day Stall
Monday 8th of to Wednesday 10th of September - Year 6 Camp
Thursday 11th of September - RUOK Day
Friday 19th of September - Footy Day Dress Up and Last Day of Term 3, normal finish time
Term 4
Monday 6th of October - First Day of Term 4
Wednesday 15th of October - Prep Breakfast and College Pyjama Day
Thursday 16th of October - Colour Run
Friday 31st of October - World Teachers Day
Tuesday 4th of November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (no school)
Thursday 18th of December - Last Day of Term 4 for Primary Years students, normal finish time