In Our Classrooms

Please refer to our cohort updates for Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6. Our next newsletter will focus on our Year 3 and 4 programs!
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
Hazel Glen College is a proud Respectful Relationships school.
Respectful relationships education is part of the Victorian Curriculum and delivered by all Victorian government schools. It supports students to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for respectful relationships and helps to build respect and equality across the entire school community.
Research tells us that providing respectful relationships and education at school can lead to positive impacts on students’ academic outcomes, mental health, classroom behaviour and relationships.
Hazel Glen College uses the Department of Education’s evidence-based teaching and learning resources to teach our students about Respectful Relationships from Prep to Year 6.
This term in class we are working on the following topics:
Emotional Literacy: helps students to learn how to be aware of, understand and use information about their own emotions and the emotions of others.
Personal and Cultural Strengths: helps students to learn how to recognise and understand their own and others’ strengths and positive qualities, and how to identify how the values and strengths they learn from their family and culture help them to treat others with respect.
Thanks for your support in helping us build a respectful and positive school community.
We are looking forward to a great term ahead!
Sports Update
Here's our Sports Update!
Year 6 Sport is underway! Our A squad kicked off the season against Mernda College, while the B squad took on St Paul’s. A great start full of teamwork, effort, and sportsmanship!
Our swimming squad trials are complete! Our swimmers gave it their all in the pool, and now it’s time for the next challenge! The division races kicked off this week at WaterMarc with great success!
This term in English, students will be introduced to the Little Learners Love Literacy program. They will explore how to find and use information by understanding the concepts of print, decoding new words using grapheme and phoneme knowledge, and beginning to learn Heart words.
With the guidance of their teacher, students will develop reading strategies through modelled, shared, guided, and independent reading experiences. Together with their teacher, students will read stories and engage in daily oral language activities. They will work on developing their fine motor skills and practice correct letter formation. Students will create pictures to recount personal stories and share their thoughts and feelings about these experiences through speaking and attempting to record sounds to represent words.
Throughout the term, students will have regular opportunities to share their ideas during class discussions, focusing on speaking clearly and at an appropriate volume. They will also be encouraged to ask questions and share personal connections to the topics being discussed.
This term in Mathematics, students will explore counting and place value using a variety of resources and manipulatives. They will create numbers and quantities, and compare numbers and small collections. Students will identify and create patterns with different materials and name and describe two-dimensional shapes. They will participate in activities to deepen their understanding of the day of the week and estimate and compare the duration of everyday events. Students will use informal units to measure length and mass and compare measurements to determine which is longer or heavier.
This term in Curiosity, our ‘Marvellous Me @HGC’ unit encourages students to explore their curiosity about school and discover who they are as learners. They will familiarise themselves with new classroom routines while getting to know their teachers and classmates. Students will build connections to their school, home, and the wider community, learning how to express themselves and interact in these different settings.
They will also gain an understanding of school expectations and identify the important people at school who help keep them safe. This term in the Personal Enrichment Program (PEP), students will be introduced to the College values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and Relationships. They will learn classroom protocols, expectations, and processes, and participate in activities designed to help them get to know their new classmates, build friendships, and foster connections. Students will enhance their personal and social skills by focusing on self-regulation and practising calming strategies. Classroom activities will focus on mindfulness, being ready to learn, building friendships, and recognizing the emotions they experience.
Prep Start Up: what a fantastic start to the year it has been for our Prep students! It has been a joy to see them settle into school and begin to understand the expectations of school life. We have spent time focusing on our Hazel Glen College Values, Responsibility, Resilience, Respect, and Relationships, which are essential in building a positive and supportive learning environment for all.
Students have begun forming new friendships and learning the importance of kindness and cooperation as they build relationships with their peers. We also discussed the importance of safety at school, exploring who keeps us safe and where to go if we need help. Through this students are beginning to feel confident in knowing the important places around the school and who they can turn to for support. It has been a busy and exciting start to the year, and we look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with all of our Prep students!
Year 1
This term in English, students will begin the Read to Self, where they will learn how to select appropriate books and build their ability to read independently for extended periods. They will continue their work with the Little Learners Love Literacy Program, further developing their phonological awareness, and reviewing graphemes, phonemes, and heart words.
With teacher support, students will enhance their reading strategies through modelled, shared, guided, and independent reading sessions. In writing, students will develop their Writer’s Notebook, creating writing seeds and topics of personal interest. They will also learn how to write a recount of a past event and create information reports based on research. Handwriting will be an explicit focus throughout the term. Additionally, students will explore what effective listening and speaking look like and practice these skills through show and tell, share circles, and reflection activities.
This term in Mathematics, students will continue to explore counting and place value. They will practice subitising and counting forwards and backwards from various starting points up to 100. Through a range of activities, students will strengthen their ability to recognise, create, read, write, and order numbers to 100 and beyond. They will also expand their understanding of 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less than a given number. Students will estimate the capacity of objects by experimenting with containers using informal units of measurement.
They will be introduced to time measurement in months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, and learn how to read calendars. Additionally, students will develop their skills in asking relevant questions to gather data, and in creating and interpreting picture graph displays. This term in Curiosity, students will begin their school year exploring the College Values in the unit ‘Marvellous Me@HGC’. Students will learn about their new classroom routines whilst getting to know their new teachers and classmates.
Students will be inspired to be curious about what keeps them healthy, safe and happy at school. They will make connections about the importance of staying active, caring for their minds and having positive relationships. This term in the Personal Enrichment Program (PEP), students will be developing their understanding of our CollegeValues; Responsibility, Relationships, Respect and Resilience. Students will set learning goals to work towards during the term and reflect on their progress towards them. Students will explore emotional literacy and its significance, while also working on building personal and social strengths within the classroom and the broader school community.
Year 1 Start Up: What a fantastic start to the year it has been for our Year 1 students! In the Start Up program, we have been setting up our classroom for a successful year of learning. We have been creating our class promise, learning about our new classmates, starting our reading program, discussing our emotions and strategies to help us when we are at school and learning about being a good communicator and collaborator. We have also learnt about the College values, and how we can be bucket fillers and have been setting up our writer’s notebook. We look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with all of our Year 1 students!
Year 2
This term in English, students will continue to develop their independent learning skills, focusing on building their reading and writing stamina. They will practice a variety of strategies, including making connections to themselves, other texts, and the world, as well as predicting and critiquing texts. Students will further enhance their phonological awareness by identifying and counting syllables and manipulating sounds in words to help decode unfamiliar words.
They will also review the correct formation of uppercase and lowercase letters. Students will have opportunities to write across different genres, including recounts, letters, and narratives. They will be encouraged to reflect on their writing regularly, revising and editing their work, with a particular focus on using capital letters and full stops correctly. Throughout the term, students will practice their oral language skills in various areas of the curriculum. They will explore the qualities of a good presenter and listener, including speaking clearly, listening attentively, and asking relevant questions when appropriate.
This term in Mathematics, students will deepen their understanding of place value, starting with 2-digit numbers and progressing to larger numbers. They will also practice skip counting and number sequences while collaborating with peers to problem-solve and discuss their ideas. Students will collect and represent data accurately in various ways and continue to strengthen their ability to measure length, capacity, and mass using formal units of measurement.
This term in Curiosity, students will engage in lessons focused around the theme ‘Marvellous Me @ HGC’. These lessons will include activities and discussions aimed at developing positive learning routines and behaviours, problem-solving skills, and building positive relationships with others.
A key focus will be on increasing student agency within Curiosity lessons, allowing students more ownership over the questions they want to explore and how they choose to communicate their understanding. Throughout the term, students will have regular opportunities to be creative, collaborate with their peers, and research answers to their own questions.
This term in the Personal Enrichment Program (PEP), students will deepen their understanding of the College Values and the importance of being kind, supportive, caring, cooperative, friendly, and accepting of others to foster positive relationships at school. They will explore and identify emotions, enhance their emotional literacy, and discuss self-care strategies to promote mental and physical well-being, helping to keep themselves healthy and safe.
Year 2 Start Up: As we’ve kicked off the school year, we’ve spent time revisiting key classroom routines to help create a structured and supportive environment for our students. Reinforcing these routines has allowed students to feel confident and prepared, setting a positive tone for the year.
We’ve also refreshed their understanding of the Zones of Regulation, supporting them in managing their emotions and fostering more positive interactions with peers. In addition, we’ve reviewed important cyber safety guidelines to ensure students are making responsible choices online and staying safe. By focusing on these foundational lessons, our students are well-equipped for both academic and social success. We look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with all of our Year 2 students!
Year 5
The start of Year 5 has been a success, with students developing strong connections with their teachers and peers. Together, they have set clear expectations and routines to create a supportive learning environment and set themselves up for success in the classroom. With these foundations in place, they are now ready to dive into an engaging and enriching Term 1 curriculum.
We are excited to welcome Year 5 students to a new year of learning. In Reading, students will explore a variety of text types, developing their ability to compare and contrast ideas, analyse key themes, and summarise information. They will also delve into figurative language, enhancing their comprehension and critical thinking skills. In Writing, students will focus on crafting engaging narratives and persuasive pieces, learning to use strong language and structure to convey their ideas effectively.
In Mathematics, students will build their understanding of products and factors, compare and order fractions, and explore 3D objects. They will also refine their skills in number operations, measurement, and angles, using estimation and problem-solving strategies to tackle real-world mathematical challenges.
Our Curiosity unit will take students on a geographical journey, where they will investigate the interconnection of places, collect and analyse geographical data, and explore the factors that influence people’s awareness of the world around them.
We look forward to a fantastic term of discovery and learning.
Year 6
Welcome to an exciting year in Year 6! It has been a successful start to the year, with students building strong connections with their teachers and peers. They have worked collaboratively to establish clear classroom expectations and unpack routines that will support them in their learning journey. With these strong foundations established, students are prepared to embark on an engaging and enriching Term 1 curriculum.
Students will engage in a rich and diverse learning program. In Reading, students will expand their vocabulary, develop key comprehension strategies, and interpret visual information. They will also refine their research skills and compare and contrast texts to build a deeper understanding of different perspectives and ideas. In Writing, students will focus on crafting well-structured information reports, using research and evidence to present facts clearly and effectively.
Our Curiosity unit will spark inquiry into natural disasters, where students will investigate their causes, impacts, and the science behind these powerful natural events. We look forward to a fantastic term of learning and discovery!