Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
I would like to welcome back our families to the 2025 school year. We are excited for the year ahead. This year our theme is Building Connections and our priority is to build positive and effective partnerships with our College community. Creating a sense of belonging and connectedness among students is essential to the success of any school environment. By fostering positive relationships between students, teachers, parents, and other staff members, we can help ensure that every student feels safe, heard, and respected. We are looking forward to continued open afternoons, gatherings and events where parents will be welcome to attend.
Our Community BBQ will be held on Tuesday the 25th of February from 3PM-4PM. We hope that you can join us. We will have sausages and icy poles for sale.
So far, we have seen many positives since our students returned. We are thankful to our staff and have asked that they take a moment to reflect on the positive impact that they have daily here at Hazel Glen College for the students. We have been impressed to see such a calm and orderly learning environment where students are being supported to learn daily routines and the kindness shown towards each other through smiles and greetings.
Last Monday, the 17th of February was Random Acts of Kindness Day. Thank you to Miss Grace Davies who was busy planning special events for the day for the students, staff and community.
Our new Preps are now into their third week of school and learning new things every day as well as exploring the school and meeting new friends. I hope that you enjoy the video of our 2025 Prep team providing an update from the beginning of the year below. Please remember to check our College social media posts for regular updates from our classrooms. You can visit them here: HGC Facebook and HGC Instagram.
We also welcome our 2025 Year 6 Captains and Vice Captains, who have started their new roles with such amazing positive energy. Our Captains are already showing great teamwork skills and are stepping up as role models within the Primary Years.
Here are our Primary Years Captains and Vice Captains:
Primary Years Captains: Benjamin S and Lily W
Primary Years Vice Captains: Zali D and William B
Our Captains did such a wonderful job at presenting at last week's Primary Years assembly.
This year we have our first Year 6 cohort within the Primary Years. Our teachers have been busy planning many special events to celebrate their final year of the Primary Years. The Year 6 jumpers have arrived and our students look fantastic in them after they were presented with them yesterday. The Year 6 Interschool Sports Program began last week and our students have settled very well into their classes this year as wonderful role models for their peers and younger students.
A reminder that lunches can be ordered from Tuesdays to Fridays via the app MunchMonitor. There are many tasty dishes available from our College canteen and lunches are provided to your child's classroom.
Andrea Lynch
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College