Parents & Friends Committee News
On Tuesday evening the Parents Committee had their first meeting for 2025. It was great to see some fresh new faces joining the committee, welcoming Jenna and Clare. New members are always welcome, we encourage you to come along.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday the 11th of March at 6pm in the staffroom. The meeting will be organising our events in 2025, as well as allocating the money we raise.
P & F Committee Spending in 2024
Chromebooks - $10,000
New Readers - $2,000
Library Seating -$1,000
First Aid Room Upgrade - $3,800
Drones- STEM -$1,000
We have also allocated $20,000 towards our long term goal of a new playground.
Prep Parent Wine & Cheese Night
We had a wonderful attendance this year, it was great to meet so many of our new families. Thanks to the committee members who helped to set up and run the night.
Upcoming Events:
* COLOUR RUN- Friday March 21st (more information to come).
* Easter Raffle
* Mother’s Day- We are looking for some Dad’s to run the breakfast this year, if you’re interested in being involved please let Catherine at the office know.