School News

Dear parents, families and friends,
We started with a bang and we have continued to gain momentum. It was wonderful to see so many families at our annual Family Picnic on Wednesday evening. The weather was perfect. Parents enjoyed eating and chatting. Children just played for the duration of the picnic!
The week before we had our Prep Parents Wine & Cheese Night, which was an opportunity for new and existing parents to meet and socialise with each other as well as with the teachers and staff.
At our assembly on Friday 21st February we announced our Year 6 Leaders for 2025 and our Class Captains for Semester One and presented them with their badges.
School Captains | Vice School Captains |
Tegan Fidel | Pearl Alessio |
Red | Blue | Green | Yellow |
Anabelle Patrick | Hazel Pasquale | Asha Oscar | Charlotte Billy |
Student Representative Council | Student Wellbeing Leader |
Gabriel Frankie Khanh Aleksandra Michael Annabelle Stephanie | Hayley Vivienne Kiera Clementine Kevin Oscar Jay |
Class Captains | PREP | YR1/2B | YR1/2M | YR1/2RS | YR3/4J | YR3/4LP | YR5/6B | YR5/6JP |
Semester 1 2025 | Leon Georgia | Sadie Thansh | Khai Mary | Eabha Jagger | Rory Bonnie | Oscar Ivy | Greta Lachlan | Gus Stella |
Congratulations to all students who were voted to leadership positions.
School Staff 2025
Listed below is the staffing for 2025. It helps to know who all the staff are and their roles and responsibilities within our school.
Leadership Team
Matthew Stead - Principal
Dina Mazzeo - Deputy Principal/Numeracy Leader
Natalie Librizzi - Literacy Leader
Natalina Paglianiti - Learning Diversity Leader
Marissa Balbuziente - Sports Coordinator
Natalie Librizzi - Digital Technology Coordinator
Danni Schubach - Digital Technology Coordinator
Student Wellbeing & Mental Health
Natalina Paglianiti - Student Wellbeing and Mental Health Leader
Tara Brennan - Student Counselor
Catherine Santillo - Bursar and Office Manager
Learning Support Team
Caroline Manuell
Sue- Ellen Grguric
Taylah Brennan
James Pearce
Specialist Teachers
Barb Ady - Arts & Library
Natalina Paglianiti - LOTE - Italian
Tiziana Scimone - STEM
Bill Manoleras - Physical Education
Classroom Teachers
Prep - Dina Mazzeo & Danni Schubach
Year 1/2B - Milan Bulic
Year 1/2M - Alex Mathewson
Year 1/2RS - Kristen Re & Tiziana Scimone
Year 3/4J - Jess Brennan
Year 3/4LP - Natalie Librizzi & Peter Shorthouse
Year 5/6B - Marissa Balbuziente
Year 5/6JP - Olivia Jones & Peter Shorthouse
School Advisory Council Meetings 2025
The School Advisory Council is an important element to the governance of the school. The council provides advice and support to the principal and the school leadership team in regards decisions, policies and initiatives.
The school advisory council members are: Luke Harrop, Zoe Noble, Daniel Petroni, Chris Cox, Brian Chetcutti, Alana King, Katrina Gallina, Vicki D'Amato and Andrew McDonnell.
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions you can raise it with one of these council memebers and they can add it to the agenda of an upcoming meeting or raise it during general business if appropriate.
Tuesday 18th February 7.00pm
Tuesday 11 March 7.00pm
Tuesday 13 May 7.00pm
Tuesday 12 August 7.00pm
Tuesday 14 October 7.00pm
Tuesday 25 November 7.00pm
School Uniform and Dress Code
The main (everday/regular) school uniform is to be worn three days per week. On Mondays and Thursdays and on the day they don't have physical education, all students will be wearing their main school uniform, which includes black shoes. The main uniform includes a light blue polo shirt, navy blue shorts or pants, royal blue windcheater, and navy blue socks. Girls may choose to wear a dress with white socks.
Students are to wear their sport uniform twice a week. On Tuesday or Wednesday when they have their Physical Education Class and on Friday. They also wear their House Colour T-shirt on Fridays. The House Colour T-Shirt must be a plain colour with no other prints or designs such as animals, dinosaurs, cars or cartoon characters. Basketball singlets, soccer or footy tops are not acceptable.
There are two types of school hats to can be worn in Terms 1 and 4, the new bucket hat or the older legionnaire style hat. The school hat must have the school logo printed on it. Any other type of hat or cap is not acceptable. New hats can be purchased from Academy Uniforms. We also have a supply of new legionnaire hats in the onsite uniform shop. Second hand hats can be purchased from the Second Hand Uniform shop.
All long hair must be tied back/up. This is for health and safety reasons to minimise the risk of headlice. Hair across the eyes can also be a distraction and annoyance during class come as it impairs vision.
Any student with ear piercings can only wear studs while at school. Dangling earrings can be easliy caught and pulled. All other jewellery, though not encouraged, is to be kept to a minimum - one bracelet or bangle, one watch, one necklace. Necklaces, for sentimental and religious reasons must be worn underneath the school uniform as a matter of safety.
Toys on Friday
On Fridays the students are welcome to bring their own toys, games and sports equipment to play and share with others. Now, we don't want the students bringing their whole toy chest or cupboard, one or two items are acceptable such as cars, dolls, boardgames, action figures, colouring books, craft activities such as loom bands and sports equipment such as a basketball, football or a tennis racquet. The aim is that the students can share and play together. Items brought to school are the responsibilty of the students. The school will not be responsible for anything lost or broken.
NCCD Parent Information
A reminder that this Friday 28th February is a school closure. Staff will be having Professional Development on the Respectful Relationships program.
Until the next newsletter, stay safe and be kind to each other.
Kinde regards,
Matthew Stead