Digital Technologies

A reminder that all students require headphones for classroom use and in STEM classes. Prep students have headphones as part of their classroom supplies. Students in Year 1 & 2 may still have headphones that are working from previous years. If not they will need to be replaced. Students in Years 3-6 can have either headphones or ear buds.
At the end of last year, you were asked to log into the nForma Parent app to access your child's report. There were a couple of teething problems but generally this has been well received. We will be using this app for a couple of purposes throughout the year. As parents you will be able to record future absences for your child. We will also link the school calendar to the app (still to be done) and will use it for parent teaching meetings/conferences. You may see medical access, however at this stage WE WILL NOT BE USING MEDICAL ON nFORMA. We will continue to use Operoo as it provides better information and abilities for the school. I have attached a "how to" on using the app. For new parents or Prep parents there is also information on how to sign in for the first time.
If you need to email in regards to a students absence we ask that you ensure you email the class teacher and cc in
Thank you for your swift responses to the many Operoo eForms sent out last week. We understand this can be frustrating to fill out multiple eforms, however we are required to do so by MACS and to have permission to access school internet/google etc. We appreciate your understanding with this.
Any questions or help please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEM Teacher