P & F Newsletter 

It's a Subway Food Day!


It's a Subway Food Day!


Thursday the 6th of March will be the first Food Day of the year, and it's Subway! 

Flyers will be sent home this week in school bags for Prep-Grade 2s and Google Drives for Grade 3-6s.


Bookings will be open later this week on CDF Pay. Orders will need to be placed by midnight 26/2/2024 (sorry late orders cannot be accepted). Please note you may need to download the new version of the CDF Pay app if you haven't already.


This year our P&F Food Day Coordinators are:- 

Megan Madonna (Elise 4L and Rowan 1A) ph: 0422 504 775

Stefanie Festa (Rafael 2C) ph: 0414 860 764

A note to new Families


Parents and Friends Including Movie Night


Save the date for our Movie Night on the oval - Friday 21 March 


Movie Night


Friday 21st March is the much-anticipated Movie Night, where the school comes together. Be sure to put this one in your diaries folks !

We are still in need of some Grade 4 parents to volunteer their time to ensure this night is a success.


If you can help coordinate this night please contact Jason at pandf@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au and sign up here at 



 P & F Volunteers Still Needed for 2025

We are still in need of Volunteers for the P & F this year. This is our small way of fundraising for the School, so that we can improve the facilities for our children.

P&F Meetings are run in an organised but informal way and are a great way to meet fellow parents and contribute to the wellbeing of the school and one will be held very soon to seek more volunteers for key positions. Some of the roles involved are not too time consuming, and as with all things, the more people involved, the easier it is for everyone involved.


If you are at all interested, please email pandf@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au or sign up on our "2025 P&F Roles & Event Teams" page 




Friday Treats

Icy Poles are back for Friday Treats this term! Icy poles are available on Friday afternoons at recess from the community centre for 50c each.