From the Principal

John Mitsinikos

Impressive start to the new school year 

The start of the school year has been a very smooth beginning for our entire community. As a school in its second year of existence, we have every reason to be proud of the progress we’ve made. I commend everyone for their excellent work.


Our students should be applauded as they have come prepared to school, (with their books, equipment, and uniforms), all ready to learn. Importantly they have been displaying a positive attitude towards their learning. At our assemblies we continue to stress the need for students to work with their teachers to achieve their best. Our values of respect, responsibility, high expectations and collaboration were also emphasized to students. 


Our new school structure has enabled us to start well, with coordinators and teachers doing an excellent job transitioning students very quickly to core classes after their induction program was completed last week.


Thank you to our families as well for their efforts in preparing and supporting their student’s start at Yarrabing Secondary College.


Well done to all of you.


Year 7 Parent Information session - meet your student’s teachers

I also wish to remind our families of our Year 7 Parent Information session - meet your student’s teachers on Tuesday 11 February, 2025 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Student are not required to attend.


Location:  College Theatrette, 40 Recreation Road, Aintree


The purpose of this information session is twofold:

  • to provide our families with insight of our Year 7 teaching program and to share with you how the 3 of us (student, families and school) can best support our students for success.

  • to provide an opportunity for families to meet their student’s coordinators and teachers and to discuss their progress so far in these first few weeks of term.

Please complete the link below to RSVP your attendance.

John Mitsinikos
