Sports News

A big congratulations to all Grade 4-6 students on their participation in our Athletics Trials last Thursday. The level of effort and enthusiasm was fantastic considering the heat and wind that we encountered on the day.
If your child has been invited to take part in the Divisional Athletics Carnival, you will get a notification on PAM to sign a permission. These will be held on Thursday the 6th of March from 9:00am and will finish by 2.30pm. This is an organised event by Colac Divisional School Sports Victoria. The venue for the event is the Central Reserve. Students must wear school sports uniform and take with them drinks, snacks, food for the day. Students will travel by bus to and from the venue. Parents are welcome to attend and when it becomes available, I’ll send out a running sheet of the day.
On Friday, 11 Grade 5 and 6 students will take on the Colac Regions future tennis stars. Students will need to be dropped off at the Colac Lawn Tennis Club on Church St at 9:00am for a 9:30 start and be picked up by approximately 2:00pm.
A reminder that entries for SSV Victorian State teams close Friday 28th of Feb (refer to the last edition of Marian News for more info).
If you would like to be considered for Regional Swimming in Horsham on 26th March, you will need to send times for the events you wish to enter to Matt by March 3rd and they will be passed on to Nicole Lynch to be considered.
Upcoming events:
Friday 21st Feb: Colac Division Tennis
Thursday 6th March: Colac Division Athletics
Friday 14th March: St. Mary’s Sports Day
Matt Absalom